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Glad to see that the engagement ranges have been extended to more realistic lengths. I think that was a very wise decision to keep the battles from becoming typical RTS style melees. Relative Spotting also looks great. Now if we can just see a greater ratio of infantry to tanks on average and I will be more than content. Thanks for the update guys, keep up the good work!

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The infantry to armor ratio has also been changed across the board. In fact, in the first Allied campaign mission (and likely one that will be included in the demo) you ONLY have infantry. In the past, this was a massive armor heavy affair with infantry merely being used in a supportive role.

Proper play balancing the new restructured missions is also a major focus for us.


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The plan (well, MY plan) for the demo would be to include one Infantry heavy battle (US vs. German) and one which has some cool armor units to play (either Germany vs. Russian or vice versa).

Putting together a good demo is a lengthy task in of itself though and right now we are more focused with polishing up the full game.

The plan though is to release a demo about the same time as the game goes on sale (or pre-sale). Thats just the PLAN though, it might not pan out that way.


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The relative spotting is awesome! "Borg spotting" has been an incredible annoyance in my game of choice (Close Combat) for ever. When the game was still in production many of us posted the CC forums for just such an implimentation, but it fell on deaf ears. This is truly great, and very important, it will effect tactics in a big and positive way!

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