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Russian Website


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Hey all,

Just been mooching over the russian site and seems to have a wealth more info than our own. Some nice screens ive not seen before too. Interesting they have a list of battles in game which include..

13 for Germany 39-45

12 for Russia 41-45

3 for Poland 1939

5 for france 1940

10 for allies 44-45

Of course its possible our lads are adding others to the game. 3 Battles does seem rather short to be a campaign, unlucky if you love the Poles i guess. For any who dont know the russian site its.... http://ww2.games.1c.ru/ then look at the box art for game name in russian and look for the link.

Just makes me want the game that little bit more but nevermind, ill have Medieval Total War 2 shortly and that will keep me busy till the new year for sure.

Hope this helps somone..


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