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Perhaps a stupid question but...


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Not a stupid question I think. Certainly there are two limits that I can see: the total number of units the engine is capable of handling and the number of units the game controls make possible.

In CM series you certainly could have whole regiments in there if you were willing to take the time to figure out all the orders for those dozens of units. There really wasn't a system in place to handle mass orders and Company HQs and Battalion HQs didn't several a real purpose besides ralling routed troops or replacing inept commanders.

GI Combat was more squad to platoon level. But this was a result of the engine I feel and design. The maps were small so you couldn't fit many troops on there anyway.

ToW to me looks more along the Platoon / Company level. Larger scale maps. But I'm just talking about of my butt at this point. Just a guess.

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