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Polish Campaign mistakes


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I checked some info about Polish Campaign on the Russian side (http://games.1c.ru/ww2ru/) and I'm angry I must say...

First - CAVALRY was main Polish forces fighting in the Battle of Mokra. It's not a mystery that they (cavalry) used FRENCH (not POLISH) type of helmets.

Second - majority of 7TP tanks used by Poles in 1939 were ONE-turreted, not TWO

Third - btw - there were no Polish tanks in the Battle of Mokra, tankettes TKS only. If You wanted to use them - good idea - Battle of Piotrkow, or Battle of Tomaszow Lubelski would be much better.

Fourth - info "Polish Campaign was over on Sept the 19" :mad: - just no comments - look at English wikipedia info about Battle of Tomaszow (above) - the second in size of Campaign. It was ended on Sept 26!

Look at the date Warsaw and Modlin surrounded!

The last battle of the Campaign was the Battle of Kock which was ended on October the 5th (tactically won by Poles who capitulated because of lack of ammo and food!)

It's very sad that Nazi & Soviet propaganda infiltrated the game! (first to prove the term "blitzkrieg", second - to justify their attack on Sept the 17th as holding "not-ruled land")

It's very sad You are preparing wonderful game with "care about history"- You say - and no one asked ANY Pole about Polish Campaign... :confused:

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Maciek, we're in the process of doublechecking the historical info in the game (both for mission backgrounds but also unit appearances and the like), and we will be posting the final results once our official game webpage goes up. We have not much influence over what is up on the Russian site, nor is this the right place to comment about it (use the Russian forums please).


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Thanks for reply.

I copied my post on Russian side.

They can answer in Russian - my Russian is on the level of my English.

My friends and me - we would be happy to help with any information about Polish Campaign.

Btw - if they wanted to make longer Polish Campaign - Gen. Maczek units would be exactly what they want!

Starting with the Battle of Jordanow (Sept, 1) - with similar result as Mokra (about 50-60 German tanks destroyed), than - counterattack in Zboiska near Lvov, than Montbord in France 1940 (after escape through Hungary); another escape to UK! than Caen and Falaise 1944, than Breda and delta of Skalde; ending in Wilhelmshaffen - may 1945!

All - from Sept, 1 1939 to May 1945 with the same commander starting with 10th Cavalry Brigade, ending with 1st Polish Armoured Division!

Would be more interesting don't you think?

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Originally posted by maciek_d:

Would be more interesting don't you think?

I'm all for more polish missions. There are not THAT many wargames that let you play for the polish side.

BTW this is exactly why I really hope for a mission/map editor that lets us create and play interesting scenarios besides "Shermans against 88s in Normandy" and "T-34s against Tigers somewhere in Russia"...

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