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what are the limits???


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hello, im downloading the demo this moment but also read that the demo not show evrything ... so i have some questions:

1. how many player on a server are supported by DT?

2. are more than one player to control a vehicle possible?

3. is it only groundbased combat or is also zero-g/space/underwater battle possible? is there a smoth transition from space to the planetsurface?

4. is there a way to limit weaponfire by the heat they produce that if it raises to high its not unlikly the unit will go boom?

5. is a more sophisticated part-damageg-model behind vehicles or just one simple amor-bar like in BF?

6. i have nothing found about legged vehicles, are they possible?, if yes what types r aviable? biped, biped-avioid(bird-like), triped, quadlegged? sixlegged(spider like)???

[ March 18, 2007, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Moe479 ]

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1. how many player on a server are supported by DT?
I believe 12. I don't know if this can be changed as I've never run a server.

2. are more than one player to control a vehicle possible?
Not at the moment. I've heard this is in the works, though.

3. is it only groundbased combat or is also zero-g/space/underwater battle possible? is there a smoth transition from space to the planetsurface?

Battles are possible in zero-g and underwater. So far, there's no such thing as a space-only battle, as there are no space vehicles!

4. is there a way to limit weaponfire by the heat they produce that if it raises to high its not unlikly the unit will go boom?
Not that I know of, though it might be possible with some imaginative XML modding.

5. is a more sophisticated part-damageg-model behind vehicles or just one simple amor-bar like in BF?
The damage model is much more sophisticated. You have armor values for the tank chassis's front, sides, rear, top, and bottom. The turret also has these armor values. Hits are first calculated against the armor for penetration, then against "subsystems" like ammo, fuel, driver, gunner, etc. to determine damage. Ending up disabled is arguably more common than being killed.

6. i have nothing found about legged vehicles, are they possible?, if yes what types r aviable? biped, biped-avioid(bird-like), triped, quadlegged? sixlegged(spider like)???
This has not been done, though again with some animations and creative XML modding it should be possible. At the moment, it's mostly conventional vehicles. I don't know how "realistic" a walking vehicle could be.
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Originally posted by Moe479:

can i try things out on the demo or do i need to buy the 'cat in bag' ?? (atm i have serios problems running it)

I know that you can't run new maps on the demo, but AFAIK, you can mod new vehicles, buildings, etc. and run them. If you need help, there are plenty of nice topics here that explain how to mod. You could also check out the Dropteam Wiki
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