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Targeting Problems

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Tanks that are firing at infantry will continue to fire at the infantry target even though a enemy tank appears in their line of sight...It is very frustrating to see get knocked out while firing at infantry, and not even getting a shot off at the other tank...Is this a bug in the program?...Tanks should automaticly switch targeting to the enemy tank..

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1)What is the experience level of your tank? A Vet will react quicker than a Green tank.

2)Was your tank buttoned up? Did he take a casualty? This will limit visibility a great deal.

3)Are you sure your tank can see the enemy tank? What might look like a clear LOS from camera #3 might not be so at ground level.

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No, tanks shouldn't "automatically" switch targetting to an enemy tank, I'm not sure what gave you the idea they should. As Kingfish said experience plays a part in your armor reacting to threats but more importantly whether it is buttoned or not. Buttoned AFVs suffer a noticeable penalty in seeing and acquiring targets, ie they are 'blind'.


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There are several things going on here:

1) Buttoned tanks will take a bit of time spotting new threats. There is good reason for israeli-style fighting (i.e. unbottoned unless under arty or close range infantry attack).

2) If you manually targeted the enemy infantry, the tank might well keep targeting it even if a new threat should arise. That type of target is 'stickier' than autmatic targeting.


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Just becuase you can see it does not mean the tank crew have spotted it yet. I'm sure that this is the reason why more moniters are broken playing Cm than say Quake (what ever that is) ;)

When a tank is buttoned they tend to have tunnel vision unless something alerts them to a new threat eg shell bouncing of their armour.

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