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New Mission:- Cornered Rats


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Clay has kindly uploaded my latest mission. Get it Here Cornered Rats.

This is quite a simple mission. There are 2 wrecks, in opposite corners. Each team owns one and wants to own both. Each teams objective is the center of the other teams deployment zone. The zones for capture are only 500m but the Deployment zone is 8000m. The intention is to allow both teams to deploy a defence in depth. Obviously the more you exert in Offence the less defence you can mount and Visa Versa.

Its not quite finished yet. Clay said he wanted to do something with the Ground cover and I will probably do a restricted inventory. I don't want people to use the Herpes loophole to defeat defences. I'm thinking of making it mainly Tanks with the major bieng the Apollo. Maybe some light arty and infantry / scout units.

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