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some .scenario questions


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In a physical object call is the 3rd number in the location Y or Rotation?. If its Ythen can you use the <facing> command that is used for bridges?. How does this facing relate, it appears to be 3 sets of 0-1 values is that the ( X, Y, Z ) rotation?.

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The Location tag is a 3D vector so the 3 components in there are the x, y, and z location of the object. The x and y axes are the ground plane and the z axis is elevation. If you place a building without the optional PlaceOnGround tag then the z component of the coordinate will be ignored and the building will be placed at the elevation of the terrain of the corresponding x,y point automatically.

The facing tag is the only one that controls the object's orientation. It is completely independent of the Location tag.

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I guess you're asking about the Facing tag, right? That one is not rotation but is also a 3D vector. It is a vector that points in the direction that the front of the object should be facing. The world x,y axes are aligned with east and north respectively.

So, for example, if you wanted a building or to be facing northeast then you could use a Facing tag like this: 1,1,0

To make the building face due south you would use: 0,-1,0

Yes, there can be any number of tree types.

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