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server install


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I wanted to install DT on a remote server which has currently v0.9.91. I guess I have to get a new v1.0 from the download link. But how do I do the licensing thing? The server has no X.

Is it even necessary to license a server only version? AFAIK we can run as many servers as we like?

Btw, does one get the current version or v1.0 from the download link?

Depending on above answers will there be a server only download version?

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Ha, good timing Poesel. See the previous forum topic before this one for instructions on how to install on a headless server (you just unzip some stuff from the CD - no need to run the graphical installer).

The download link gives you 1.0.0. Once you install it, you can update it to the latest 1.1.3 from the command line like this (assuming DropTeam is installed at /usr/games/DropTeam):

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">cd /usr/games/DropTeam/bin

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:../lib/ ./SpaceVikings -update true</pre>

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Problem is that going through the download link and entering my license key I just get a download button to load the game to my home computer. The actual link is hidden.

The server is remote and I don't have physical access to it. Uploading per DSL takes forever.

What I need would be a link that I can use per wget or similar.

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I understand.

Mmmm. You may have to just do the slow DSL upload one time to get it onto a fast server. From then on, you can always get it elsewhere from your fast server (assuming you can keep the thing for a while).

There is another way that will require just a little bit of hacking, but will allow you to get everything via wget. If you want to try it then email me for info.

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