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Wide screening for CMBB and CMAK

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Please could you help me to set the in-game resolution 1280x800 ? I have 1024x768 only and it makes my picture unrealli wwwwwwiiiiiiiidddddeee. Or there is an utility allowing me to set the option to center but not to stretch the screen...?

I had one for ATI (ATI Tray Tool) but now tiz an nVidia and i cant find any similar tool (nVTray does not suite me - it cannot operate with stretching and centering).

Tnx in advance..

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As you may have figured out already, CM doesn't support certain resolutions. The closest (which is below) to 1280x800 is 1024x768. 1152x824 (or whatever it may be) seems to be supported too, but the vertical resolution is higher than your 1280x800's vertical resolution and therefore wouldn't be used.

To get your display to center a 1024x768 'window' in a 1280x800 screen resolution would require support from the display driver. I haven't seen anything like this lately, but if this is a laptop display, I haven't really run any of the latest Nvidia laptop graphics either.

There is an option buried in the Nvidia control panel (9x.xx drivers) that would require a lot of guesswork and experimentation. In the Select A Category screen select 'Display'. In here under the 'Appearance' section select 'Manage custom timings'. Select the display (there may only be one) in the 1st section and then in the 2nd section click on the 'Create' button (you'll also need to checkmark the 'Allow modes not exposed by the display' at some point). In this dialog box click on the 'Advanced' button, which extends the dialog box with more options. Near the bottom is the 'Front End Parameters' section. In the 'Scaling type' drop-down box select 'Centered' or 'Adapter' or 'Fixed Aspect'; I'm not sure which one is absolutely correct here though I would guess 'Centered'. Near the top are the 'Custom display mode values' which should have the 1280 and 800 resolutions in the appropriate boxes along with the vertical refresh rate you usually use (select one that you'll run CM at). You may also want to select a color depth (such as 16) for running CM at. Back at the bottom you'll want to put in the 1024 and 768 resolutions that CM will use. You will have to use the 'Test' button for this to be saved and you'll get to see first hand how this looks. It may not look like you expect and the 'Back-end parameters' may be needed to adjust the picure (and you may also need to use keystrokes to get around the screen rather than the mouse after you've pressed the 'Test' button since the mouse may not track accurately at this point). In the 'Back-end parameters' section you will need to change the drop-down box from 'Auto' to 'Manual'. The Horizontal and Vertical Totals should probably be left alone along with not touching the Horizontal and Vertical Sync Polarity. The Active Horizontal and Vertical settings should probably be changed to 1024 and 768. The Horizontal and Vertical Front Porch settings will possibly require experimentation in order to center the display. How these relate to the total, I'm not sure. The Active pixels, front porch and sync width are all part of the total, but I can't discern what else is also in there.

This online video timing calculator may help in making the settings, but I'm not sure if everything in this calculator matches what Nvidia offers in this control panel.

I'm not absolutely sure how this will display on your screen. Hopefully once you've selected the resolution, vertical refresh rate and color depth you will 'get' this 'centered resolution'. I don't know exactly what it will do to the desktop. It may cut off portions of it or it may just 'crush' it into the centered resolution. CM will need to be set to the specific resolution and vertical refresh rate that you've specified in the Custom Resolution setup, which may require you to delete the Prefs file.

[ October 23, 2006, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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thank you veru much, i ve found a decision smile.gif Another question - is there any tool, that lets me set in zero a Z-mask value in Registry? I know that Z-mask is an ATI term, but is there a similar one for nVidia? Setting Z-mask to 0 had let me magically improve the speed of CMBB...

By the way! I m from Russia and I have already got just released Theatre Of War smile.gif It stands versus CMBB like T-26 stands versus Tiger-B in all aspects... Pity that, but this is truth and ive never been disappointed so much... :(

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I'm not sure if 'ZMask' (or however Nvidia identifies it) is something that can be tweaked for an Nvidia driver and if it will even result in a performance increase for CM or not. The one utility that I can think of using to possibly tweak such a feature (via the registry, I assume - the latest drivers may not have much in the way of editable registry entries) would be Riva Tuner which should hopefully work with the latest drivers (the website claims that it does).

That's a shame about Theatre of War. Is it lacking in gameplay details or would patches address certain issues to make it better (assuming that there are bugs that gave you a negative impression) ? I'm not sure how much different (other than language translations) the BFC distributed version will be from the 1C version released in Russia, but I wonder if any possible differences would help. The graphics do look nice, but some of the game limitations really do make it a little less interesting than the CM series.

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Thank you for assistance.

There is a lot of

1) mathematical mistakes in armor piercing

F.e., miltiple hits to front of PzII with KV1 cannon at 50 meters do not stop PzII from fighting and even morale degrading of its crew.

2) engine limitations

F.e., infantry cannot get in buildings at all, cannot dug in

3) historical bugs

F.e., when fighting in 26.06.1941, there is a PzIII-J with 60 calibered cannon in the first German wave.

All russian members of forum at 1C official site are crying, ugly and disappointed. Maybe the patch will solve these problems..? How very pity that my native developers make so terrible mistakes... We are the winners in this war and should make games dedicated to WWII more accurately and precisely. But CMBB is still the winner.

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I suspect that the 1st and 3rd points could eventually be addressed with a patch. The 2nd one seems to be a limitation that will remain with the game (as you probably already know) despite any patches.

I know BFC said that they've seen some of the errors (historical) and had sent off details about correcting them for their distributed version. If were lucky those bug reports will be addressed by the time BFC is ready to distribute it. Oleg and all of the 1C programmers are great. Hopefully they'll still be interested in this material and create further refinements to the engine in the near future.

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