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CMx2 as a TV programme.

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In the UK they have a mediocre TV programme called "Time Commanders", where a team play one side on a real time computer recreation of a famous ( or not so famous) Ancient Battle.

The format is a mix of watching the rather clunky repetative graphics and watching the players themselves controlling and making the decisions,

( which usually involves a lot of shouting and pointing as most of the so called teams can't read a map, let alone lead and army).

It occured to me that with the help of some post production editting CM would be ideal for a similiar format.

Two teams would fight a battle with the camera switching between the players discussing what they wanted to do, and then showing the actual "Live Action" parts, with the editor having the option to choose the best most exciting angles using replay to make it look good before the programme went out.

(I don't envisage it being live, due in no small part for the need for extensive bleeping out of choice words and phrases).

With luck (probably quite a lot), you could get a cheap to make ( TV execs love that), semi reality ( again popular) programme that would interest both people who new nothing about warfare and people like ourselves, and potentially a great way to advertise CMx2.


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Not such a crazy idea, IMHO. It all depends on how good the graphics are for CMx2. If they are at least on a par with the Time Commanders/Total War engine, I think it could work, at least on British TV, in which we have a tradition of "War Walk" and "Military History" programs. Can't speak for our friends across the pond though.

It would be nice to see teams try to recreate famous military endeavours in the gun-power age as opposed to the anchient/medieval age.

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I was watching a Discovery channel documentary the other night on Pearl Harbor and within the show they had a battle simulation of the event with 2 teams (academics vs Ret-US admiral. the difference was that in this dimulation the US had 3-4 hours prior notice, with the US fleet sailing out of the harbor. The simulator is the same used by the US War College to teach strategy and tactics. In the end the Japanese lost about 80 fighters and the US lost 3 battleships with all crew on board and had 7 damaged ships. Basically a defeat for the US as more men would have dies at sea than at Pearl. what was interesting was how angry the admiral was at the result of the simulation. His reaction was priceless and that would make for good tv viewing at least on a chnne like Discovery.

Well at least if there's an audience for that type of programming. A show of that sort would also work using the Napoleonic simulator that BFG is publishing as well as CMX2.

so anyone interested in writing up a programming proposal?


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