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Richard Lowry, Marines in ...Garden of Eden on C Span 2 now 8:44a.m.PDT

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The author is briefing the Marines of Camp Lejeune on the battle for Nasiriyah, Iraq, to include how the Jessica Lynch thing got so blown out of proportion (blond Donald Walters, small and slight of build and awarded Silver Star for providing covering fire while protecting others and was inadvertently left behind, was captured). The briefing is most interesting and seems to have much of interest to CM:SF, including a peculiar ground crust which collapses under vehicle weight and bogs them so thoroughly ramps can't be dropped and doors can't be opened either. What saved Lynch is that one Marine company commander, not knowing that his commander was bogged and feeling the bridge seizure heat, goes straight up ambush alley, this ultimately encountering the lost Army unit.

This briefing has crossed wires, stranded maneuver elements, failed communications, multiple A-10 strikes on the Marines, with heavy losses (direct hit on fighting compartment of amtrac), etc. One man survived an A-10 gun run with a leg wound and the loss of much of one butt cheek. Nearly bled to death but was stabilized in time. Battalion nets basically imploded under strain of first Marine contact of the war, compounded by equipment failures, strong EMI from mare's nest of not to code ad hoc electrical lines, and the fact that intense mortar fire destroyed many of the radio antennae.


John Kettler

[ July 09, 2006, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I cannot recall where I read a good piece on this part of the battle in Nasiriyah, but will try and figure it out. If I do Pop I'll forward you the link or post it here.

...thought it was by Michael Yon, but just searched his journal and cannot find it there.

Pop, here's three links -

The Battle of An Nasiriyah by By Richard S. Lowry at Military.com

Lowry's webpage and a related webpage A Personal Account of the Battle of An Nasiriyah Lowry links to.

[ July 12, 2006, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Dirtweasle ]

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