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Better get the game out quick, Real World events catching up

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The US, UK and France argued that political assassination should not go unpunished, and that the Lebanese government had asked the Council to act.

'Political killing'

There was also an argument about why the court was being set up under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, meaning it could ultimately be enforced by military action.

Chapter VII was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. However, the US and its allies argued that only Chapter VII resolutions were legally enforceable.

Syrian President Bashar Assad has said any Syrian suspects would be tried in Syria and he would not release them to a tribunal.

An interim UN investigation found Mr Hariri's killing was "probably" politically motivated and has implicated Syria, but Damascus has denied any involvement in his death.

In 2005, Syria withdrew its troops from Lebanon after a presence of 29 years, following massive domestic and international pressure after the assassination of Mr Hariri.

BBC news on UN Security Council Vote
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If you think anyone is going to do anything think again. We are now in the era of finger pointing and running to the UN to yell mommy make them stop!

Being threatened now by the US or Europe is like getting a call from a bill collector! :rolleyes:

Wars for the next 30 years will be done from the air or not at all. We will soon be back to good old days(comming in 2008) of firing missles at asprin factories and goat farmers. While the pentagon spends another 25 billion trying to figure out how to build a Hummer that can handle a 2000lb IED. :rolleyes:

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