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1.08, Some suggestions

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i played quiet some scenarios by now in 1.08 and i made notes on paper of things i want to bring up. here we go;

- in QB´s; please make the simple option to give up to +150% force bonus also to "defender".

its as in CMx1, but here in CMSF when i want to take the US for a ride in the attack,...guess what, there isnt enough opposition.

to take a "large" or "huge" battle and give myself as attacker -50% or so isnt ideal as you end up with a "large" map, wich isnt always what i want in QB´s.

- said that somewhere else, is it possible to show nothing in the units damage tab if there is nothing damaged!?

i feel its way better to get whats damaged if you dont have to look up the little list but only see damaged systems in the damage tab.

keep the red/green X and the things in between ovcourse, but make it only show up after a system took "any" amount of damage, not all the time a full list.

- i know there where some topics about it befor but i bring it up here. maybe it needs another seperate topic.

"Friendly Fire" seen from a RED players perspective. its way to "compressed". even the US players sometimes see quiet some desasterouse FF with their high tech weapons but on red its totaly out of the "norm" i feel.

i dont talk about the highest expirience levels. i had no problem with syrian crack SF but everything "below".

if you really sit down and play some of the nicely made RED on RED missions at low light conditions you can see quiet some bizarr things.

Hasrabit campain mission 3 and The King Chopper Mines Riots for example.

both feature medium or low quality troops in a low light/night attack.

you see a big "blob" of questionmark counters move towards you, in this big blob you can hear constant shooting, but noone is shooting at you :D . if you have vehicles with good NV capabilities you can send HE´s into the guys wich constatly give themselfs away with their own FF. (also i catched some that way even in mission 1)

if you are on the real low end of troop quality you are forced to "hide" this guys constantly as soon as they are at a halt. if not they will rattle themselfs in the next 3-5 turns, or worse up to panicing themselfs without ever beeing near any enemy.

that says in RL therms their a bunch of children with weapons and if you send em alone into a dark wood they will come out terrified and wounded an what not becouse they suddenly thought they guys they started out with, are their enemys(LSD!?)

it looks more than stupid when you see the attacking coloum FFing itself on their attack every turn. if that would be anywhere near that in RL i guess they would never reach a battlefield.

ok enough of that...

- PLEASE i suggested that with 1.05 or so already. STOP red defensive smoking.

the few smokes you have since the unlimited smoke bug got fixed arent to be "wasted" by tacAI!

RED should cover its path of advance and not a sigle vehicle sould launch smoke into the landscape when it catch some fire. thats worthless and a waste and they know it ;) !!!

just becouse people whined about the US vehicles not poping smoke at the first sight of the enemy that doesnt mean RED have to do it too!

at the point where the vehicles are in position and you "need" the platoon smoke volley to cover the next open patch of land you dont have any left verry often.

in short, keep RED sides smoke for the player to use.

even from a programmers point of view it should be "fool proof" to "remove" something wich got added by the same man. by that i mean that the smoking behaviour was added in 1.02 or so and it cant be more than deleting some lines to get it out(am i dreaming!?) :D

- now a short point, the vehicles still back up too big distances. especially in urban maps its way to far! they end up driving into the most silly places long out of the danger zone, or at times they drive out of the danger zone through safty into the next danger zone to get shot at there. 15 to 20 meters should be enough for 90% of the times. if not they are quick to do it again.

so, this are just suggestions, but thats all points i feel are rather important. so maybe i sounded at some points like "give me that or else...", however that wasnt my intention. i just needed to put some weight on the words.


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Good points.

Now mine:

1. In RT, that HUGE RED BUTTON does nothing. Please make it a pause button. It's annoying when you can do everything in the game with the mouse except pause, especially when there is a HUGE RED BUTTON THAT DOES NOTHING.

2. I would love to know which units killed what. In cmx1 you could press the enter key and it would show you all the kills they had. Please bring this to cmx2!

3. My unit icons tell me NOTHING about the units' current status. Use your imagination and you could come up with a hundred ways to show some information.

4. Be able to adjust the placement of a waypoint.

5. Better ways of organizing my units. I hate to suggest biting the style of another game, I would like to be able to group units as in the Total War series. I also like the list of troops as in the Company of Heroes series. Basically I'd like a button that shows a list of my units, then I'd like to be able to group them together.

6. An option to get rid of "?" icons. I can turn off unit icons but there are still "?" all over the place.

7. When you target, it shows range. It might be handy to show the range while moving. I mean when you select "move" then the cursor would show how many meters are between the unit and the point that the cursor is pointing.

8. I still want to tell my troops to not use rockets and missiles unless I tell them it's ok. I don't mind if they shoot up a tank that appears over the horizon automatically, but otherwise I would like to be able to use the target command without using up all my missiles.

9. It seems like snipers should be extra hard to spot. Maybe I'm wrong, but right now they seem to be the same as any other troops.

BTW, I still love this game no matter what, but these improvements would make my day.

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