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It's small arms still

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Atleast German WW2 tripods had that setting (would quess that MG3's has too), about other's ww2 machinegunsi don't know. Soviet NSV's antiaircraft-tripod doesn't have that screw setting if i remember right. And that monster had to have 80 kilograms of weight installed to "blanket" in tripod to prevent it from recoiling, those who got specialised traning for it said so. I have just 'fired' that thing with SAAB's simulator (no live or blank rounds involved). However DSHK's in Syria inventory seems to have different kind tripod, most likely ment for purely ground-target porpuses so i would think that they have that screw thing too.

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Jason C sort of nailed it re tripods. Its one thing to fire a MAG 58 off a bipod (it will still hand out hurt at range) but off a tripod, its not laser cannon accurate, but its not supposed to be.

Its an elementary part of company level defensive ops, especially in poor visibility to get your crew served weapons onto tripods, with range cards and fixed lines/defensive fires.

If you are really serious you will card in your LMGs as well(basically give them a sector and certain targets to hit), although thats always going to be crude (think sticks, a compass and visual reference points.

You can sort of replicate that so long as your guys can see the target in CMSF, although it would be nice to be able to drop plunging fire onto obvious choke points if you are say playing on the defensive and have the suspiciously well placed low rise to do it from.

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Just further to the above, if you don't site in that way, your own dudes are so dead, which is something CMSF doesn't model.

Assuming anyone is left alive, you'll soonn run out of bullets and the effectivness of each round fired will drop substantially.

You take the view your not going to kill them all, you just need to stop them outside their effective range for personal weapons, so you just need enough fire to stop them getting in close, and if they do you have to then stop yourself getting sliced. (which is when you want to have your rifles, 203s and lmgs switch sectors onto the threat).

I dont think that always translates well into games.

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