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Strange graphics on G3 Powerbook


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I've got a G3 Powerbook running Mac OS 8.6, 160mb, 250Hz and a 5Gb hard drive. Always been able to run CMBO no problem.

CMBB runs but the graphics are well weird, kind of kaleidascopic. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I have a screen shot but couldn't work out how to post it. (duh)

Any thoughts would be great.


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Do you know what resolution the CMBB Demo tries to run at ? How much VRAM does your G3 PowerBook have ? I've heard of people running on even 4Mb of VRAM, but that's a questionable configuration. 8Mb of VRAM should be enough (there'll be downsampling).

You may want to run your PowerBook at 800x600 (or 832x624 - whatever it is that's supported in that range) and delete the CMBB Prefs file and see how that works. Also try to run with 16-bit color if you're not already.

Generally I would assume that the video drivers that CMBO works with should be sufficient for CMBB, though CMBB does eat up more VRAM. There have been a couple of instances on the PC where the drivers were sufficient to run CMBO, but not CMBB. On OS8.6 I'm not sure where you'd go for newer video drivers (if that would even be a solution in this situation). Most of the newer ATI drivers came with OS 9.x and people often had to get others to get 'Tome Viewer' extractions off of the newer OS 9.x install CDs to update the drivers.

[ September 12, 2002, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Thanks for your replies guys, this is my first time posting on any forum and you've all been very helpful, nice one.

I have tried Schrullenhafts various suggestions, but no luck. My monitor is 800 x 600. I've tried fiddling with my VRAM and virtual memory but my computer just screams and dies. I think it might be showing it's age.

Karch, I've done a search for ATI Rave and couldn't find it. So presumably I don't have it. If you have any suggestions they will be gratefully received.

I saw the screenshots you mentioned and they are very similar to my problem. I am going to go and have a closer look at that thread.

Thanks again to all three of you.

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Does OS 8.6 come with the GameSprockets files ? If not, then you'll need to download those and install them. Basically I believe that they're necessary for sound and joysticks (not an issue with CM). I can't remember what effect that they have on RAVE.

Apple's Game Sprockets 1.7.5

Game Sprockets 1.7.5 v. 1.1

I can't recall off hand, but I believe that CMBO had problems with the newer SoundSprocket that came with Game Sprockets 1.7.5. Version 1.0 of the SoundSprocket produced correct sound.

The RAVE drivers are definitely necessary for CM. I'm not sure if you could get a 3D screen at all without them loaded. Again, the newest ones would need to be extracted from an OS 9.x Install CD with Tomeviewer (I believe that they would work with OS 8.6, but I'm not sure).

The drivers that ATI offers on their website are dated 1 Dec 99, so they may be even older than what you have currently

ATI Universal Installer 4.20 or 4.01

(the previous file might have problems if it doesn't recognize your video as being a specific ATI-manufactured video card - in which case an XClaim 3D Plus might be the closest choice for a Rage LT/LT Pro).

An older Apple update is this (which is too long of an URL for UBB):

http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=60395&SaveKCWindowURL=http%3A%2F%2Fkbase.info.apple.com%2Fcgi-bin%2FWebObjects%2Fkbase.woa%2Fwa%2FSaveKCToHomePage&searchMode=Ex pert&kbhost=kbase.info.apple.com&showButton=false&randomValue=100&showSurvey=true&sessionID=anonymous147870514

This is Apple Care Article 60395: ATI Video Software Update 1.0.

I believe some of the QuickTime installers also made changes to either RAVE or OpenGL.

[ September 13, 2002, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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hi schrullenhaft,

thanks for that in depth advice. sorry about delay in posting but had a heavy weekend. have tried everything you suggested but still no luck. CMBB is also crashing everytime (unmapped memory exception(?)), have also tried re installing CMBB, think i will have to use my flatmates iMac for now. he'll be pleased(?).

if you have anymore ideas , that would be great, but i feel defeat looming. shame 'cos I won't be able to buy full version. will keep trying though.

thanks again smile.gif

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Does it work on the other iMac (same downloaded file) ?

With the memory errors that you're getting, you may want to tinker with your Mac a bit further. Do you have problems with any other apps on this Mac ? Have you tried to run a reduced set of extensions and control panels ? I don't know if it would be necessary or not to run Disk First Aid (or whatever disk diagnostic you have access to) to check the file system on your hard drive.

Other people have mentioned the possibility of bad RAM too, but you'll typically see problems with other applications too if you had a bad stick of RAM.

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