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White sections of Graphics

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I know this has been mentioned before, but I could not find an answer to my problem using the search option:

Occaisionally on CMAK if I switch in and out of the game I get white patches where the graphics should be, Rocks are white, parts of armor are white plus a host of other things.

I can get back to good graphics by "Aborting" the game and loading up again.

Anyone know why this happens sometimes and how I can fix it ?

System = Windows 2000, GeForceTi 4200, drivers, Athlon XP2600+.

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I've seen this issue with Voodoo 3's under Windows 98, but I haven't seen it in particular with any Nvidia driver under any Windows version. This is usually an indication of the textures not getting loaded or not fitting into video memory or possibly an issue with overclocking (though that more commonly shows much worse problems of a different sort).

The only thing I can suggest is to try out some different drivers. The latest are 71.89. I don't know if it will fix this particular problem, but I haven't heard of it lately.

If you do install updated drivers, I suggest uninstalling the old ones first. This helps avoid "version" problems where an old file or registry setting may somehow stay in place and effect the installation. This may require a reboot where you're eventually asked to provide a driver. Instead, skip Window's request for driver files and just finish booting. At that point you can run the Nvidia install.

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Thanks - I did as you suggested and install seemed to go OK - Hardware confirms the latest drivers are in use.

BUT - the graphics quality is now very bad - lots of jagged edges.

I messed around with AA and Anisotropic settings from off to full, did not seem to make any difference??

What else should I try to get graphics back to where they were (Very good)

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If you set the AA and Anisotropic settings to "Application controlled" they will be off for CM. You have to "force" them on in order for them to be working within CM.

What version of DirectX do you have installed ? While CM itself doesn't need the latest, the drivers may work a bit better if they're working with the latest version ( 9.0c).

I haven't compared video quality lately, but it is possible for newer drivers to have worse texture/AA/filtering quality than previous drivers since one of the big "improvements" is speed and this can often come at the sacrifice of video quality. Unfortunately some of these video quality trade-offs for speed aren't reversible or controllable with user settings.

Depending on how much experimenting you want to do (and you'll need to uninstall the current video drivers each time you try a different driver) you could try out the drivers available from Nvidia's Windows 2000 / XP driver archive which lists the major WHQL releases.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt this issue comes up because "the game's quite old". That should have nothing to do with it. A DirectX call is a DirectX call. Every newer version is a superset of the previous version. I don't know if certain calls have superceded older ones (that's a possibility).

The first question is whether you've replaced any of the bitmaps that originally came with the game. If the bitmaps have been corrupted or are missing they might come up as white/blank spots on vehicles, uniforms, etc. There's a possibility that the driver might have an issue or two and may require either updating or possibly downgrading (an older version not having the same problem a newer one might have).

More than likely with blank textures there is something wrong with the installation. If yours is heavily modified you could reinstall into a different directory and see how a fresh standard install responds to this issue.

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I have managed to fix the white-out problem on my machine.

It took a lot of time and risky work in the registry, but I finally cleared out all refs to Nvidia from my machine including the registry and re-installed drivers (

I did not do anything to the bitmap files, so they were probably not the problem.

Everything works fine now with AA and the other high quality graphics thingy at full setting.

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