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this is an old thread 09/06 "We are planning an Iron Man Mode"

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I would suggest to change the naming of the difficulty levels somehow.

As you know in all today games the toughest level usually called Veteran, Impossible, etc. means that there will be three times more enemies as on normal levels using gamey code to determine where you are and what you are doing. But this is not the case for CMSF. Higher levels just mean more realistic, not necessary harder. Definitelly more mentally chalenging and more fun.

From your current convention (Easy, Vereran, Elite) nobody can tell that. Personally, I don't see much point in creating C&C like Easy level click-fest. But anyway, I can imagine that levels called like "Trainee (Semi-Realistic)" and "Real World (Realistic)" will have exactly the same effect as you (we for sure) want. Everybody will want to try the realistic one. This is not guarantee for common naming covention going from Easy to Elite.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

The Elite mode is what we're planning on for Iron Man. But the details of each mode hasn't been fully worked out yet, so details will have to come later. The reason why is we want the sim to be done first, then we can see what makes sense to include/disallow for each mode.


OK that sure does make sense.


As mentioned an "easy" mode or FOW level at the "beginner" end of the spectrum could be called Training Mode so new comers/first timers, can pick up on the game quickly and learn and win an easy scenario with step by step instructions (training scenario) to get them started. I would like to suggest that EVERY attempt be made to design the demo and demo scenario's with ease of use and EASE of learning in mind so that the demo can be downloaded and played with no previous CMx1 experience necessary. I know BFC is a small operation, but most other demo's from most other games (any flavour, SimCity to Command and Conquer to and RTS or FPS) come with a step by step training tututorial scenario, that makes learning the game AND Quickly becoming addicted to it a virtual snap so the player will feel compelled to play it constantly. smile.gif (AND of course yearn to buy it and PINE for it while waiting for it to arrive! THAT'S the key part, the pineing for it while waiting to get it!)

Just a thought.....

-tom w

[ February 15, 2007, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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