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Battlefront pwned

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So sometime today on a certain site that shall go unmentioned a certain game about a certain fictional future conflict in the middle east had its flawed and extremely annoying copy/piracy protection cracked and is now free to be distributed across the internet for zero samoleans... which means that the only people who have to suffer with the ridiculous registration scheme are the people who actually paid for the product. Bravo Battlefront, keep draggin' your feet on CMC while you're at it :rolleyes:

-Your Frenemy (best/worst?)

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had its flawed and extremely annoying copy/piracy protection cracked and is now free to be distributed across the internet for zero samoleans... which means that the only people who have to suffer with the ridiculous registration scheme are the people who actually paid for the product. Bravo Battlefront, keep draggin' your feet on CMC while you're at it :rolleyes:

-Your Frenemy (best/worst?) [/QB]

Actually those cracks are for the Paradox version of the game and aren't cracks to the BFC licensing so I guess you're pwned back....

BFCs licensing system is in fact nice and easy to use and much better than having some Disc checking tool.

Anyway, come version 1.03 those cracks will stop working and by then the crackers will have moved on to Bioshock or something.


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