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My paper, rock, scissors conundrum.

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The current MGS big gun fire rate is an attempt to get around the vehicle's low ammo loadout problem. Imagine you 'area fire' with MGS,using is full ROF. get distracted for a moment and you'll VERY quickly be out of ammo! I've found you've got two choices with the current setup. You can either retarget each time and get an immediate big gun boom or you can just ignore the MGS in 'area fire' mode - it'll fire the gun, run the mg for awhile, then eventually return to the big gun again.

I just thought. There is no reload animations for the 8-shot autloader drum, perhaps the long stretches between firing can be considered an abstracted method of factoring in autoloader reload issues.

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Of course, the OTHER issue I'm having is that I KNOW pickup trucks aren't left in the streets for nothing. Probably dangerous. But does the game give me any option to remove those trucks with a 105 shot? No. How about blowing a hole in the wall so I don't HAVE to pass by the pickup truck and lose my whole squad when it blows up? Nope.

I'll come back to the game when I can actually have a little control over what my forces do, better pathfinding, and a few more tactical possibilities. Maybe the patch will help.

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Hey Snydeman. I expect that the next patch might help with some of that stuff. But if you need to detonate VBIED's, just target them. It works, I build scenarios with a number of them.

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Target them with MG fire? Done that, to no effect.

Target them with a 105 shot? Would, but my guys want to save ammo, so screw what I, the commander, ask for....they won't fire. Same when I ask them to blow a hole in a wall to open up an alternate route for my infantry.

Of course, maybe if my infantry had the ability to blow a hole in an outdoor fence...oh, I dunno, like they can in the Army?

I'll just wait for the patch. The pathfinding issues alone are killing my chances at victory....I dropped off my guys at the BACK of the middle Barracks building, because I knew from sightings that the front building have at least 3 squads in it. Figure I'd head fast to the middle courtyard where it is safer, pop smoke and have my guys assault through the back doors you see on the buoldings...so what do they do?

They run AROUND the building into the deathzone and enter the FRONT door, getting chewed up all the way.

Needless to say I'm frustrated as hell. This game has great potential, but even using sound and wise tactics I'm getting chewed up. Games are supposed to be at least somewhat fun, not make you want to put your head through the screen.

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Yeah, I'm waiting for the patch to play seriously as well -- the pathing and AI issues are just too much. Having tons of fun with the scenario editor in the meantime, though.

As for the VBIEDs my Strykers seem to have no trouble blowing them. Maybe give the 40mm a shot? Or dump a mortar mission on the thing. Even a Jav would be worth not being within range when it goes off.

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You can't as far as I can tell. Load up a squad with a Javelin, though, and give them a hard target, and they'll likely fire one every now and again.

As for the 40mm, I would recommend using the AGL mounted on the Strykers. I've noticed that M203s tend to get used at relatively close ranges -- well within the killing radius of those VBIEDs.

Oh, and if you're not sure about IEDs, keep your guys mounted. I've noticed dismounts getting killed or seriously wounded quite a distance from VBIED blasts, while unbuttoned Stryker crews remained unharmed.

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The 105mm will fire fast enough if you cancel the fire order after every shot and then reissue it. Easy (but frustrating) to do in real time mode.

But I really wonder about the realism of the airfield mission. First, the amount of infantry you have compared to the amount of enemy infantry seems to be something that should be avoided in real conflict. Also, taking 1 square kilometer of urban territory in 80 minutes with one company of Strykers and no artillery support. Seems suicidal to me.

But it is possible to win this mission, even without the usage of Javelins. It just requires a lot of area fire, plenty of patience and some casualties. You have to take one or two buildings at a time using area fire to all potential enemy locations. And playing the scenario a few times helps to identify those possible enemy locations ;)

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My tactic is hit them hard, and hit them fast. In other words mounted squads in 50 cal strykers. 105s, 40mils blow the crap out of the target building rush the infantry across right up to the door and assault and clear. Sniper and mg sections come in handy for suppression. once you start moving dont stop. If you get bogged down, jav the building

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All fine and good, but is no one understanding that I still can't get my guys to "jav the building"

If I could somehow choose the armament they utilize, I'd not be posting about this issue.

And yes, I've used all the suggestions here. But once a Stryker gets low on ammo, it will NOT fire the big 105 for me. Period. =/

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