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The Nvidia Driver Mk II

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I have added some other posts to this . This is a summary of the whole deal.

After receiving the 22.80 detonator drivers from both the net and a fellow CM'r I still have problems.

When i start CM a black screen pops up ( desktop size) and the music of CM plays. Unfortunatly THAT is as far as it gets.

I friend ( computer expert) asked whether the Direct X gets re-writen on reinstalation of CM - which I had to do.

If this is so, it might not be compatable with windows XP.

I have recieved advise that i may have to anually make anti- aliasing 4x manually. I am not sure how to do this . I have got the Tweek GUI for Nvidia cards so might be able to access it through there.

I know whithin the group that this and other problems have been associated with Windows XP, if anyone has any further advise on how to proceed please let me know.


< still in CM wasteland>


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Re-installing CMBO does NOT overwrite your existing directx. If you hit space when the music is playing, does it go to the main screen? If so, then you have to reinstall apple quicktime.

accessing the fsaa is easy. On windows XP right click on the desktop, then go to properties. Once there, settings, nvidia additional options and fsaa is there.


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Rune - You able to play OK on XP? Any feel for the % of people OK with XP/Nvidia and not OK? Seems like I have heard a few with no problems (which seems odd considering the nature of the problem) and many others with problems. Maybe the silent majority of people don't have problems and consequently don't post. I am about to plunk down some serious cash for a new PC with XP/Ti200 and am worried I may be one of the few that no workaround gets this combo to work. With my Win95, 266Mhz system I can't wait much longer for this driver thing to work or I'll go insane with my current system.

Love your scenarios by the way smile.gif

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The XP/NVidia driver issue exists in Windows 2000 or Windows XP computers. The card does not seem to be an issue, as some people reported no problem and the same card and settings have problems on another workstation. I can play CMBO on Windows XP, but have to use the esc trick a couple times until the graphics clear. Some people have had good luck by runing 4x fsaa or using the deanco mod. I see much less problem with the deanco mod, since it uses less white text. if you disable hardware rendering and run cmbo in software mode [640 X 480], then XP and Windows 2000 does NOT have a problem.

The Dell 3.78 drivers for 2000 supposedly do not have a problem, and the problem was introduced later on.

Am running the 22.80 drivers on XP and ME, no problems on ME but the transparent white still exist on XP. Other games are having problems with the NVidia drivers with XP, Mechwarrior 4 or Pools of Radiance for example. I will continue tot est each version of drivers as they come out.


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I just accidentally noticed how I can make my Nvidia-driver related CMBO graphics problems disappear. Win2k, detonator22.85, DirectX 8.1.

The problems I used to have included messed graphics when browsing battles, briefing texts not showing etc. The trick that fixed EVERYTHING was to change the refresh frequency of my Windows desktop from Display properties. As long as it was the highest possible, I had problems. Once I changed it to use a different value, <drumroll....> surprise....!

I don't really understand what's causing this, but the gfx adapter now uses different frequency for CMBO and Windows desktop (because I can hear a snap from my monitor every time I switch between them with ESC) and EVERYTHING works!!! I'm still slightly stunned by this, after trying so many things unsuccesfully, but it really is true. I have no idea whether it changes things on other peoples machines, but what can you lose?

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Hy all,

Thank Rune, the access to the Nvidia stuff was a piece of good news smile.gif .

I have got people from all over the world looking into this including BTS staff ( thanks Matt). For those keeping up ( and if not- it soon could be happening to YOU) I am moving cm by cm.

I now get a box that asks for screen resolution 1274x 760 , 800 x 600 and 460x 600.

Needless to say I have clicked tham all but it does'nt actually help.

The one piece of good news i have is that I think it unlikely BTS will release BB until the XP thing is sorted. They are most certainaly aware of it.


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I have tried the suggestion from SlowMo. It DOES seem to help. I set the desktop to a lower scan rate, and then set CMBO to match it. I get no corruption on the main screen, a little on the units screen, and cannot see the end screen with score. Work around to that is to click on map, then click OK, and yopu see the scores but over the map. So, a partial work around. Armed with this information, I have been doing a search.

PC Gamer's latest issue of all places has a hint. It seems there is an NVIDIA/Microsoft bug with screen resolutions. They gave a web site to download a program and lock the resolutions. I will try it tomorrow [or tonight if I have time]. Since it seemed to help, I am wondering if we are hitting this XP bug. Will keep all informed.


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The CM/XP screen resolution that worked for me and my Nvidia problems was 800X600 @ 60Mhz. There is a very very slight flicker at this resolution but it's livable with. At 60Mhz the game is at least centered but I still got the transparent white graphics. I used Paint Shop to re-text all the offending graphics in a sort of gold, I also changed the "Go!" button and that was that. I still can't see the game end results but the map/switch works OK. There so many different "flavors" of Nvidia cards put out by different manufacturers which may explain why there are so many kinds of different video/XP problems out there. Mine is an MX series with 64meg.

My only remaining problem is that I still can't see or play 2/3rds of my/your scenarios in XP, all of which are visible in "explore". I'm not playing off the CD even though it's in, I'm really baffled.

Tim S

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According to what I found, that is the problem, it doesn"t lock in the resolution. Mvidia and Microsoft admit it is a bug, and I am hoping that is what I find when I test the solution posted. Basically a third party application that locks down the resolution and refresh mhz. Again, I am not sure if this is the solution long term, but hopefully a work around. Will let all know tonight or tomorrow after proper testing.


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Further news on this stuff, for those following:

* The NVIDIA / XP problem *

On starting fromn the CD ( not the shortcut to the CD) a box appeared that said:

" 3D Direct X test. Click to accept graphics mode. Primary display driver"

I then clicked one of them 1274x 764 or something similar and the CM screen came up. At first the graphics were a bit corrupted but on pressing ESC and re- maximizing all was perfect. I then pressed goto a game and the battle option screen was also perfect."

I did not go any further than the above so far.

However I am so used to the mods I use, esp the Normandy terrain mods and maybe 20 others, that the vivid greens and trees nearly make me nausius smile.gif ).

Anyway I hope the above is both instructive and encouraging.



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More information:

XP is having problems. When I used powerstrip, I got a more stable game, but I did get corruptions over time.

Eric, Delete your prefs file from the CMBO folder, then run it. try a 1024 X 768 resolution at 75 mhz [if you get that option, if not, higest mhz rating you can get] See if that helps. However with so many mods, I don't know if there is much I can do to help.

Also, for those who think it is just a BTS problem. Silent Hunter 2 just released has a major problem with XP also.

I have been testing like crazy, will let all know when I get closer to a solution.


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Hy ,

Thank Rune. I don't think the mods are the problem in fact i am fairly sure they are already working.

I have been able to run the game from the CD, but this negated the 400+ scenarios I have downloaded which is a bit of a bummer.

Could you tell me how to access the display/ resolution settings ( esp : the Hz part). As you may have seen above 3D Direct X seems to be the worry.


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Here's my update:

My Windows refresh frequency is 75 Hz and this is how things are working. When I start CMBO the main screen, battle selection screens, briefings are 100% ok. Once in a battle, there's some flickering in lower part of the screen in texts 'Turns', 'Of' and 'Go'. Other than that things seem to be ok. When I quit the game or if I press CTRL-B to view briefings, text is not displayed so I have to ESC. Also, after ending one battle and returning to battle selection screen, graphics are messy.

So now it seems I can run one battle just fine, but not two in a row without restarting CMBO in between. I'm quite satisfied even though I have no idea why things are working like this. But at least I can read briefings again.

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If you mean in CMBO, delete the prefs file and it should prompt you when you start a new game.

If you mean in XP, right click on the desktop, properties, settings, advanced, adapter, list all modes. From here you can pick the size and the refresh rate.


Am at work and doing this from memory, I think I got the menus correct.

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I fear I've stopped in here just a little late.

I ordered a new PC last night from Dell with XP and the NVIDIA 64MB GEFORCE3 TI 200 Graphics card. So is the gist that you can get CM to run with XP and NVIDIA, you just need to find the right screen refresh rate?

As anybody put together a readme of the steps for getting CM to run with XP and NVIDIA?

Any info would be appreciated.



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