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Multiplayer Feature not working properly

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Massive lag for the clients connected, host runs fine, any update on a fix for this?

Multiplayer is simply not working properly even with 1.3 installed...

The reason why this is important, at least to me, single player games have a short shelf life, i stop playing single player games after a few days, the only thing that keeps me playing a game is the multiplayer features, so can we get a fix for the multiplayer aspect of this game, please?

[ March 27, 2006, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Geckopower ]

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Still now word on a fix for the multiplayer issues???

Well, thats a pity, looks like i might as well bin this game then, the promise of a decent tank sim multiplayer with user made missions was perfect, but alas, it was not meant to be...

NOTE: You will have to change your sales policy, when a game does not work with the advertised features...looks like ill have to go and fork out the extra cash for Steel Beasts Pro Personal Edition...ho-hum...

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Hi Geckopower,

the game was tested for LAN multiplayer of course, and there have been reports about it working, both here and in email. It's impossible to help you without knowing more about your hardware and the setup.

I'd suggest emailing support@battlefront.com with more details. While we're trying to monitor the forums as much as possible, that email address is the primary point to receive support for a game. Personally I know way too little about LAN and the necessary setup to get good results to be able to help you here.

As for our sales policy... you obviously don't know Battlefront as we're known for going the extra mile to satisfy customers. From what I recall, the issue was looked into earlier but without a clear result as to what the problems might be that some people encountered. A more detailed support request by email might help a lot in this respect. And please keep in mind that three or four forum posts does not equal that it does not work at all. There have been very few support emails with regard to the LAN feature despite tens of thousands of games sold.


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Well i beg to differ, on any game forum (its true that most ppl dont post if it works fine), but not one post to say that it works by anyone, well it does work, but if u consider the client machine lagging on everything for up to 30 seconds a great multiplayer experience then i suppose it works great!

I am rather amazed that not one person has came onto the forums and told ppl how cool it is multiplayer, probably because noone has actually had a cool experience with the game multiplayer.

I think it was a developer that posted there was a synch problem, that is why the internet option was dropped, but clearly the problem still exists in LAN gameplay.

It appears to me, that the multiplayer option was totally rushed and was never working properly, but they still went ahead and released it, now that is not neccesarily a bad policy, if a patch to fix the problems is expected shortly after release, but no fix looks like its going to make appearance, partly becuase of the possible add-on.

If thats so, then that draws me to the conclusion that they do not intend to fix the current game at all (multiplayer wise), therefore the main selling point of this game (being multiplayer) is fubar for me.

NOTE: Nothing wrong with my config either, the multiplayer system simply fails to work within any reasonable capacity.

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Originally posted by Moon:

And please keep in mind that three or four forum posts does not equal that it does not work at all. There have been very few support emails with regard to the LAN feature despite tens of thousands of games sold.Martin

Are you joking? :rolleyes:

I can say you that maybe only 2-3 percent of all buyers are active in forums. There are a lot who bought this game and are NOT registrated to any of the available forums...AND another thing, if anyone hasn't this trouble in LAN game, I will eat my ****. And maybe another 60-70 percent haven't even tried out the LAN game... And you have my system specs, I have posted them into the other thread. And I hate those long posts which contain 90 percent of "BLABLABLA we have good support and bla bla bla bla....." Where is it? You don't even know what I'm talking about do you? THE LAN GAME IS NOT WORKING AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE! :rolleyes:

Do you have a second PC? You have or not? Test it and you will see that this incredible NASTY bug in LAN has nothing to do with the ****ING HARDWARE. How long is it since I reported this **** to you? A few months? Nothing changed, I 've got one answer with "I will look at it..." And did you look? Noooooooooooooooooo.

I don't need posts with "Ahhh our support is good, maybe the best, or can you say your hardware...." THIS IS ****. These POSTS ARE useless. Nothing more. I'm angry at the moment, very, because I read your posts. I've bought the game, because I wanted to have good LAN fights, I waited for the patch, since I wrote my post in hope that there WILL COME ONE. AND yes, Patch 1.3 did come, but it changes some stupid worthless ****ty small bugs instead of having a great LAN experience with the new patch.... :mad:

You know what? STEELBEASTS PRO PE IS ASS KICKING, nothing compared with T-72:BOF....Every Euro of the 130 was worth it. And the support is thousand times better. My two BOF CDs say bye bye to all of you, and so I will do.

I know you will close this thread. But I know there will come new people in the next months who report THE SAME ****ING **** AGAIN, AND AGAIN... You see, The first few posts OF A NEW MEMBER (Geckopower) are about this ****ING BUG. And the number who report THIS **** WILL GROW AND GROW... because some of your ten thousands customers will find this forum or any other in hope to get some information ABOUT THE ****ING BUG.

Now I will shut the **** up.

[ March 30, 2006, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Tanker0815 ]

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Tanker0815, you gotta calm down. You're making wild accusations without anything to base them on. The issue has been looked into like I had posted, but without firm results. I understand that it's frustrating to you if you cannot play the way you liked, but you can believe me when I say that it's even more frustrating to us. While it's just a spoiled weekend fun for you, the developers of the game depend on it for their living.

I also hope that you'll understand that I cannot dig through thousands of posts to dig up your specs. I would therefore like to again ask you for your help in tracking this down, and email our support email address with as many details as you can describe. We've not given up on the support of the game and hopefully you won't, either.

BTW, I'm happy that Steelbeasts is making you happy, nothing else was expected from the eSim guys, who we're good friends with. While I didn't buy the pro version because of the steep price tag, I own the previous gold edition and like it very much.


PS. No more f-words, please.

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Originally posted by Moon:

I also hope that you'll understand that I cannot dig through thousands of posts to dig up your specs. I would therefore like to again ask you for your help in tracking this down, and email our support email address with as many details as you can describe.

Okay, exclusive for you again, and as soon as I find out the support email, I will mail my problem again.

System Specs:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

The hosts Pc in my case was a AMD 3800+, 1024 DDR400 Ram and it had a Geforce 6800GT. So a good PC for this game.

The Pc which joints was a AMD 3500+, 1024 DDR400 Ram and it had a Geforce 6600. Also a good PC for this game.

So it doesn't have anything to do with the hardware or connection speed because it was LAN. So, it must be the game that makes this problem.

Which problem it is, is well known</pre>

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Originally posted by Moon:

Thanks. I habve stated the support email above, it's also in the game manual's troubleshooting section, but here it is again, with a user friendly link, too ;)


Thanks for the help, and bear with us, please.


Okay, no problem.

But please, can you answer me one question?

Why is there such a information lack about the things the devs are doing for the addon, or for the fix/fixes for the current game? I, and sure all other BOF players would appreciate more information about what's going on at the moment. Or are there other sites where devs give comments about their current status on what they are doing etc.?

It's terrible for me to get no information or at least they could post some news here. In any other game forum the devs are registrated and say something about news and patches.

So, a bit more information would make the whole thing a bit better for us, and for the devs.

[ March 31, 2006, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: Tanker0815 ]

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Tanker0815, oh, I couldn't agree more. One of the problems is the language barrier. Many of the devs are not speaking english. The retail release in Europe has put some additional pressure on the small team to come up with stuff within firm deadlines. Now that that's done, I'll try to mobilize some more dev support. Besides benefitting you and the devs, it would benefit me and Matt also, as it reduces our time that we need to spend monitoring the forum.


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Originally posted by Moon:

Tanker0815, oh, I couldn't agree more. One of the problems is the language barrier. Many of the devs are not speaking english. The retail release in Europe has put some additional pressure on the small team to come up with stuff within firm deadlines. Now that that's done, I'll try to mobilize some more dev support. Besides benefitting you and the devs, it would benefit me and Matt also, as it reduces our time that we need to spend monitoring the forum.


Ohh well, thanks for this answer. I thought they would speak at least a bit english because the game has been translated into english... I guess, that were other people who did that part of the job.

I'm looking forward for some news that will be (I hope) around here soon.

Thanks again.

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As more and more people try this game, and then come to realise the Multiplayer features do not simply work, then more and more posters will appear on this forum asking the same question.

When can we expect a announcement from the developers on what they intend to do, either fix it or wait for the expansion etc...?

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If it's broken, it will be fixed in a free patch. We're not going to charge people for expansions to fix known issues. The problem is to find it and fix it in the first place. One of the problems is the limited hardware the devs have available to test the multitude of LAN setups that is possible. Internal testing leads to pretty good results I hear when ping rates are good, but maybe the devs are testing in a too idealized environment. Hard to tell. All I can ask for at this point is... well, more patience. :^/


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Even using Hamatchi (LAN emulation that allows internet play), i was pinging at 135 to someone in israel (over 1000 miles away from me), the connection status is fine.

Why does the game lag (as in no response for the clients connected to the host), im inclined to think its something to do with the deformable terrain or something similar to that, since the game runs fine (albeit poor fps frequently due to the particles, grass etc...)for the host, its not neccesarily the game engine code, but if you drive around the terrain morphs to an extent, so in theory this terrain is generated frequently and constantly updated on its status, im thinking thats why it runs so poor for the clients, something to do with transmitting all that data and keeping synch...

Still, i hope a fix for the multiplayer code comes out real soon, as im still waiting eagerly to design some missions that test some hardcore tankers!

[ April 04, 2006, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Geckopower ]

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  • 3 weeks later...

it seems that my only lan expirience with this game was better than anyone else had, at least in this thread.

i just played one mission with a friend of mine,(i belive it was the first campain mission) and we finished this mission. lag wasnt a big issue when compared what you guys expirienced. it was nearly suncronized but his game just behaved as if it would run with verry bad FPS when i drove fast(my friend was gunner).

but as said, when he shot i noticed it nearly instant on the host machine. and when i drove the tank, it looked like a bad FPS slide show but acually the tank was showen where it should be on his machine. so the syncro did more or less well in this case.

anyone here tried to runn it as dedicated lan server(if possible)? meybe the sim needs to much resources to play and process other players at the same time on the same PC...(i mean also for high end systems)!? smile.gif


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