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constructive criticism

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Dear Battlefront.com,

I have noticed a few "errors" in CMBO that i would like to express nicely. There really more of an annoyance. My annoyance is the accuracy of Stuart and Greyhound armor vehicles that can hit tigers that are on the move from 700m away and veteran and crack tigers that can't hit a churchhill from 700m away. I was woundering if that is realistic or a game flaw. I find it to be annoying that my tiger can't even hit a stuart or sherman in some cases from 700m away but the stuart's shells can bounce off of the tiger from 700-1000m away. If this is a flaw i would just like you to consider it in CMAK, which i know will be great! I realize that Im probably not the first person to complain about this but just wondering why that is.

Best of luck,


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Originally posted by wwb_99:

This will not be as much of an issue in CMAK, which is based on CMBB. Moving tanks rarely hit anything, even at nearly point blank range. Even with gyros (which apparently were generally removed anyhow).


It's my understanding the gyrostabilizer only maintained the vertical aspect of the gun; the gunner still had to traverse as needed. There was a lot of talk about over-modelling gyrostabilizers in GI: Anvil of Victory. One point made in The General was that tank crews didn't have time to train with the gyrostabilizer and thus as you point out they were discarded in many cases.
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The Tiger is a big target, has slow rate of fire and relatively low velocity gun.

The Stuart is small, has better rate of fire, and I guess superior muzzle velocity (I don't remember).

Run a test several times to see if you get a big difference between Tiger and Allied tanks accuracy.

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"My annoyance is the accuracy of Stuart and Greyhound armor vehicles that can hit tigers that are on the move from 700m away and veteran and crack tigers that can't hit a churchhill from 700m away."

Well you know what they say: "On any given Sunday..."


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