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w2k+ GForce2= not a happy camper.


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Just confirming what probably all CM players with this combo all ready know, The game works and looks great, but the text and setup menus are crap. My buddy Big Patrik has the same prob we have tried many deferent drivers but with no luck. If I had of looked through the forum first I would have waited to take the w2k plunge.O I dread that I have to reinstall 98 again. But hey "CM first, Work second" one has to have priorities.


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Guest Madmatt

Try and disable FSAA with your Geforce card.

I saw this problem in some of the early beta Nvidea drivers when I first got my Geforce card but subsequent drivers fixed it.

Are you using the newest Nvidea Detonator drivers for ME?


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I am using the 631-drivers for win2000,so is my buddy "Big Pat".

I did find something that helped out though. I used 100mhz refresh rate on my monitor setting,

up from 1024x760x75hz, with this I could read the Quick Battle menu, also it worked properly

to roll down the adjustable ones. Next off to the town, hill and tree screen,

this worked also, before I only saw the accept and cancel buttons, the rest was just black.

In the game the text on the "turn# of#" box, flickers a bit, (slightly annoying)

and the rest of text just looked washed out, but very readable, same with unit command boxes

you get when you right click on a unit. Now it is playable and I won't have to reinstall w98.

Just lucky my monitor will do 1024x760x100hz.I used 85hz also but it wasn’t doing the job.

Weird stuff. But I’m happy now. O yea, I looked for the FSAA, work, don’t work, switch in nvidia menu but could not find the thing.

Thanks and have a nice


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There appears to be a problem with the NVidia drivers and Win2K. The color of the text is a little too close to the RGB value for white (the text is currently an off-white color). Charles is aware of this problem and may change the RGB values for the text in the future (making them even more off-white).

It's interesting to note that changing the refresh rate helps with reading the text. There must be something funky going on with the way the Win2K drivers work with the RAMDAC.

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Guest Madmatt

Reactor Critical has 'leaked' some newer drivers For Windows. The Win9X ones are up to 6.35 but can't remember what the W2K revision was, 6.34 I think.

6.35 seems stable on my Geforce II and Win98 SE so far. www.reactorcritical.com


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 10-20-2000).]

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