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Graphics and the computer illiterate....


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Hello.... I have a problem that I need some help with. First off, I'll let you know I'm not great with computers (to put it mildly) so I'd appreciate it if you would bear with me. Its actually probably something quite simple. I've had problems with some graphics ever since a friend of mine helped me update some elements of my system. The problems revolve around things like the guns in soldier's hands and the tracks of vehicles as well as some problems with trees. They seem to "twitch" for lack of a better word. Since I don't really have a clue what to do I'd really appreciate some advice from anyone who does. Thank you very much for your time.

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What you're experiencing is most likely the result of what your video drivers are capable of. I don't know if I've seen the 'texture shimmering' that some people complain of, but there may be little that you can do about it with your current hardware.

What version of Windows (assuming that you're running on a PC) and what video card do you have ? Is this a name brand system (i.e. - Compaq, HP, etc.) and if so what is the model number ? Sometimes an update to your video drivers (if your friend didn't do this already) may help with your problems.

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I don't believe the problem is my computer because the game has worked before on it. Either way, my computer is a two year old Presario 5352 with what I believe is an "Intel® 82810-DC100 Graphics Controller" if that is a video card. My friend downloaded it recently and I believe it is the update to the software sent with the computer. I recently tried to install a Voodoo3 card, but I had to remove it because there was a problem. That doesn't seem to have affected anything else though. However, I doubt I would know if it were the problem.

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What exactly did your friend upgrade on your Compaq ? Maybe you should downgrade your video drivers if that was something he upgraded and it was working before. I've heard that shimmering can be caused by a low I/O voltage in some circumstances, however I doubt that your motherboard would have an adjustment/jumper for this.

The latest Intel 810 video driver is v. 6.4 which you can download here:

Intel 810 v. 6.4

You can also download previous versions of the driver if you desire to experiment. However if things were working right before the upgrade I'd suggest talking to your friend to find out exactly what he did.

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Hmmm... None of this seems to be working. I haven't been able to get in touch with my friend so I can't figure out exactly what he upgraded but it all seemed pretty standard. I think it was just stuff like different drivers. Stuff like modems. If I needed to downgrade the graphics adjustments I showed you, how would I go about that? I think I may have located the files in my program file. If that doesn't work i guess I may try to contact the feedback@bigtimesoftware.com. I hadn't wanted to because I don't know what to include or how to include it when they refer to my "hardware configuration". Hmmm.

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