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Daylight Report: Dragon*Con

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From Thur night to Tuesday morning, there will be no posts on the boards from me.

[general uproar, disturbed shouting]

I know, I know, please ... sit down. Yes, you too, sir. Out of the chair.

It's convention season again, and as usual I'm committed to hitting at least Dragon*coN and AWA. That means I'll be off to D*C for five glorious days, this week.

Computer gaming had a bit of a ... delay ... in getting formed this year at D*C, so there wasn't really time to get them talked into featuring DT in any context. It might be worthwhile to give all of the Battlefront big-wigs a talk-up before this coming year and just have them do a booth for the whole slate they publish. It's hard to find a captive audience of 40,000 geeks to run your products by.

Regardless, if there are other geeks of high-caliber in the Atlanta area this week at Con, drop me a line before Thur morning, 10a Eastern, and we'll try to get you into one of the nice dining I tend to schedule when I'm out. Because, by Hell, if I can't blow stuff up, I want to eat finely aged red meat and sip the best in liquid refreshments.

(If, on the other hand, you plan on being at Anime Weekend Atlanta ... well, we'll work something out. Comparitive relaxing miseries, maybe.)

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I will, once I wake the rest of the crew up lying scattered around my den after a late-night game of Let's Kill.


It's a card game.

After D*C, I know I have two more DT sales lined up, possibly three. And I'll see who I can lure into being curious about the setting and game with mild geek-evangelism.

Until then ...

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