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dissapearing knocked out vehicle


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I wish there was a way to keep the knocked out hulks in the game.....as it is they just dissapear after a while.

a field of knock out afv's makes for decent cover if used right....

i guess it's because of the number of polygons getting thrown around if there are 20-50 dead vechicles lying around...


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unless possible to render them with much less polygons after a while they'll choke the video card; already in close combat like twin peaks where towards the end you end up mainly fighting on the top is a total chaos if you have to push around wrecks.......

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Eh...I dunno. A half-way approach that would, unfortunately, appear a bit weird would be keeping around a certain number of corpses -- say 10 or 15 -- and treat it like a FIFO.

That would appear weird because they'd still be disappearing at pretty much arbitrary times, so previously obstructed sightlines would suddenly become clear, etc., but that's how it is now.

Nonetheless, that would make for a bit more noisy battlefield.

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