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Text problem

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I've got the french version. No problem with text on main menus, but in battles, all text infos are badly shown (words repeated, shadow impression..), in unit infos and toolbar...and the problem was also in the demo!

I downloaded the latest version for my Graphic card and reinstalled DirectX 8.1. Same thing. Tried to change some settings of the card, from 1024 to 860, refreshing rate, some options with antialiazing...same thing...

Config : Win98Me - 448Mo/ram - Hercules Prophet 4500/64MO...

Someone else got this ?

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Your problem has to do with the Kyro drivers. You have to disable the 'Bitblt' in DirectX, which will clear up the text problem.

This thread has the fix for Kyro text problem in CM. It involves editing your registry manually. The exact instructions for adding the posted registry entry didn't seem to work for the person in this thread, but manually adding the elements seemed to have worked.

IMPORTANT: You must change the name of the executable to the actual name for your version in the registry string. In the listed registry info the executable name was for the CMBB Demo.

I haven't personally tried out the latest drivers, but I'm fairly certain that this 'function' needs to be disabled. Under Windows 2000 and XP this apparently isn't needed to my recollection (no text problems under those OS's).

[ December 12, 2002, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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I'm having a devil of a time trying to get rid of this text/blurry problem with my Hercules 4500 64 mb card. This is what is listed in my registry. Can anyone tell me if I need to change anything please?

; Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin Demo


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PowerVR\KYRO\Game Settings\D3D\Barbarossa to Berlin DEMO.exe]


; Combat Mission

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerVR\KYRO\Game Settings\D3D\combat mission demo.exe]


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Those registry entries look correct for the demo versions. What version of the drivers are you using ? I haven't personally tried the latest ones available from PowerVR (which may be the latest ones from Hercules too).

To my knowledge these entries are not necessary with Windows 2000 & XP, only Win9x/ME.

Are you saying that even with these registry entries your text still isn't clear ? I'm not aware of any other DirectX settings that would cause this problem, but I'd recommend setting your Direct3D settings to 'default' for the Kyro (one of the tabs in the Display control panel. The OpenGL settings shouldn't matter in this regard.

[ December 16, 2002, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Even with those registry entries my text was not clear. I've tried for 3 months on and off to try to fix this. Tonight I deleted about 4 other game files from my system, and then thought I'd try to work on this problem again. Text now looks crystal clear! I think there must have been a file in one of those that I deleted that was corrupting my drivers or something. Not real sure.

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