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New Enhancement


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Wingman Deck

A previous enhancement had created a separate deck for wingmen. That deck had certain “In My Sights” cards removed as compared to a normal deck. The idea was to reduce the number of attacks that the wingmen were making, and to increase the probability of drawing defensive cards. The unintended consequences of this approach was that the attack cards that remained in the deck were more deadly and actually had a higher probability of being drawn.

In order to address this problem, the wingman deck is being modified as follows:

No cards are being removed from the deck.

As you can see, all of the cards being added are either defensive or used to improve position. This should have the desired effect of reducing the probability of drawing attack cards, and increasing the probability of drawing defensive/positioning cards.


If I am not wrong this should also affect the rate that the wingman will gain experience.

Maybe you should consider a re-valuation of the skills cost.



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Perhaps, but there is another enhancement that we will probably implement before too long which might render the question moot.

Basically, the enhancement that we are considering is to "share" the XP gained by the leader/wingman team. The exact formula for how the XP would be divided has not been finalized, but in rough terms it will probably be inversely proportional to their starting XP levels. So if the leader starts the mission with 1000 XP and the wingman start with 100 XP, then the wingman would get 90% of any XP earned and the leader would only get 10%. This is to simulate the more experienced leader helping to train the new wingman.

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Just a suggestion:

It is nice to add a feature like this to the game (sharing of experience), but what about this:

Give the option to the leader to select skills like trainer, and/or expert trainer, and or elite trainer, which will affect the level of sharing (ratio of XP between pilot and wingman)

Also make these XP points to count more for the wingman (the wingman should use more points per game in order to customize his deck for each game).


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I just downloaded the new changes. I'm not certain that's the problem, by my last fight (on local) both my leader and wingman scored kills and gained xps, but when I went back to pilot management the kills, xps and fatigue hadn't been added to their stats!!

What's going on. I got no error notice, just no results.

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Was using my lowest rated existing pilot -- ep about 180. Pair vs pair with A6M5 Zeroes, pilots of similar quality. Shot down both. Scoreboard showed about 20 xps each for Leader and Wingman with one kill and one damaged each.

When I went to the Manage Pilots board, the kills, xps and fatigue hadn't been posted. Nor had the fatigue levels of other pilots changed. As if the fight just hadn't occured.

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