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CMBB won't install on Mac G3 (OS 8.5)

Big X

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First, I know Battlefront.com's system requirements support 8.6 and above, but the CMBB demo runs perfectly as does CMBO. I will be updating my OS soon, but suspect that it may not be the problem, based on troubles that others are experiencing.

After install, CMBB won't execute, stating that it is lacking "OpenPlay." I brought those files over from CMBO. Now it recognizes OpenPlay but still won't start.

Also, my install files seem very unorthodox. The CMBB Installer doesn't in fact install everything, and there are no "readme" files about any potential problems or procedures. Thus, I executed the 4 data installers as follows-

DATA 2H - apparently fine: bitmaps, etc.

DATA 2C - identical to 2H, but in German (?)

DATA 3 - installs nothing

DATA 4 - installs .WAV files.

I also dragged all files to my desktop and tried to install again, but that changed nothing.

Thanks very much!

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I would first of all upgrade the OS to 9.x. Next, prior to installing CMBB, I would throw out all your current files/folders/prefs of CMBB and try again though this time use the "CMBB Installer - ENGLISH" {or French or German} on the CD. I think trying to "install" the Data2H, C, etc. is just going to give you problems.

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I suffered a partial install on my new G4 DDM initially and reinstalled by copying the CD onto my HD and ran the install from there. It was alot faster than the CD install and appears to have been more complete. Just a thought.

I too would suggest an upgrade to 9.2.2 if possible or at least to 8.6 which would be a free upgrade. Also make sure you use the later video drivers that were included in the CMBO 1.2 update.

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