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With the inclusion of paratroopers and engineers, will we also get a special forces unit (I.E.- Brandenburgers and Waffen SS for Germany, Commandos for England, Marines and Guards for the Soviet Union, Marines and Rangers for the U.S.) included in the game ?

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Looks like it has paratroops, so USA will have 101st & 82nd Airborne.

But if you have SS, Russian badass troops, Marines, & stuff like that, then countries will "be different". Instead, the model is probably like SC, where troops are the same, but can be modified by experience.

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Different kinds of units listed above -- the SS were organized as regular army, in division and corps size units, particularly after Stalingrad.

Same with paratroopers and marines.

Rangers and commandos would be companies and battalions for specific purposes, such as landings ...

As the game presumably will remain corps and armies I don't see how they could fit in as units.

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Well, special forces is getting a bit precise or any such uniform in SC2. Although after you have your 1 lucky Army or Tank that's busted through 5-10 Allied Units and reached 4 Stars. It itself gives you a feeling of an Elite Unit. Not only that but when you use that puppy on the Eastern Front later in '42, you can bust through Russians with 2 Units and no air!

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There is a big difference between specifically trained for invasion from the sea, or jumping out of perfectly good planes, and merely being spoiled with the pick of new gear.

I don't care how elite or fanatical your unit was in history, if you ain't landing on a beach, or jumping out of planes, then you are only worth a freebie experience bar.

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