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In my opinion (but it is only an opinion), squares in the place des haxagones traditional and icons of units are hideous... (While everything was very well in STRATEGIC COMMAND 1)

By using of screnchoots of the publicity for SC2, I have prepared a project of mod to restore the SC's 1 old colours, the hexagons in the place of squares and pawns of classical wargames in the place of the " relief pawns ".

I hope it will be possible to do what I try !

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I agree with Exel - it's not possible to do.

A hexagon has six neighboring hexes. A square tile has eight. It's not the same method of tiling the surface.

Personally, I prefer hexes. If you look at the geometry of the situation, hexes are more logical because the distance from the center of one hex to the center of a neighboring one is a single unit. For the tiles, four of the neighboring tiles are a single unit away, but the ones on the corner are 1.414... times as far away (i.e., the square root of 2). Thus, a unit can move 40% further in a turn by moving along the diagonals.

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