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Highest difficulty thrashing..

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Ok, I was consistently able to get a Major Victory on Standard difficulty, no experience bonus, but when I moved to +100 percent OMG! redface.gif I am playing as the Allies, and Russia just slowly melted away. Im sure it is, but is it possible to get a Major at that level? Any down and dirty top ten tips? Thanks, Bob

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Ha Ha, yes it's certainly harder than in SC2. But yep the AI can be defeated every time even on expert level. you playing allies? Top few dirty tips

Axis AI goes luftwaffe crazy. There's not a lot the USSR can do about initially this but use the weather. don't attack in summmer, plan your pushes for early spring and autumn winter.Keep your few fighters on STR10 all the time. reinforce every turn and let them fight the luftwaffe as interceptors only. this way they will build up exp quickly by 41/42.

If USA invest steadily in advanced aircarft you'll be able to take down the tactical bombers for D Day

Middle east. AI isn't smart enough to defend it. Iraq / Iran harder than SC2 but very valuable. Once you have siberians in 42 send a HQ, Army, tank and corp (not less! in SC2 corps were enough) to mosul in winter whilst landing british corp amphib at kuwait. use tactical bober fi you can from russian border. Baghdad should fall in 2 to 3 turns. Lots of juicy MPP for USSR and Oil for UK. Iraw one fo few places where UK and USSR can both fight together and get supply from same cities. saudi arabia is harder but it's free money and if you go inhard it will be over quickly. watch the diplo % though.

AI is not as good at humans at garrisioning against para drops. by 42/43 you should have LR 1or 2 and with bomber spotters be able to find a city or two on mainland europe to capture. This drives the AI mad!

Sigefried line. tough to break after d day especially with heavy AI aircover. get a cheap motorised corp in 43, amphib land him and destroy the line before he starts to garrison it.

AI can't really cope well with 2 fronts. It tends to waste a lot more MPP than a good human would operating units from east to west front.so start D day early, don;t worry if it is half arsed and you fail, the AI isn't going to follow up enough but it will divert a lot from russia.

Axis AI scripst are pretty smart at taking the first few russian cities. After kharkov they get confused BUT never leave a front or medium city undefended, the AI will KNOW and rush to take it. Supply is tough past vorozenh and the AI is not very good at optimising it. You can hold stalingarad as long as you haven't fought to the death over earlier cities.

Keep your RN together. don't let it get split up too much. In 1939 go mad for his subs- run straight into norway - kill them on the way out before they get strong. Then be cautious from summer 40 onwards until yanks come.

Computer is overly aggresive with Italain fleet early so keep your ships in the Med and pick him off when he comes east of Tobruk.

DOW on Norway from UK and invade on turn 4. it's a no brainer against the AI and a must nowhe gets 3 units for free.

As regards north africa. you can't lose that against the Axis AI if you do the following. go mad for Tripoli. AI scripts rommel arriving in March 42. if you control tripoli (OR THE SQUARES AROUND IT) then it can't pop up. Or they do pop up but in 1s and 2s and out of supply. you can get there by saving all the UK MPP from the intial turn , this will give you a chance to buy a tank BEFORE the 7th armour is formed. buy it early 40, ship it to cairo and then in 40/41 you have 2 tanks in the desert vs only italians. youshould get to tripoli use the artillery against tobruk.

do all that and the AI will be mincemeat, you'll get a major by 45. But where's the fun in beating a machine?

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Yep that's for WaW, and all new tricks for against the AI only I might add as WWMD asked for some tricks against it. it's really not that hard to beat, just as disapointing as SC2 but different that's all. After a couple of games you get a feel for it's style. First game was a shock though!

Onto my first Human games now and the tricks don't work of course.

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Started my first game as Allies on Expert +0 Exp. I was able to hold France until August, 1940 with the help of the BEF and desperate air and naval support. I also got the leg up on the U-Boat war early, getting ASW 3 by 1941 and cracking them in half wherever I found 'em. That in particular gave me hope that the U-Boat war CAN be fought and won by the Allies. As the Axis in another game, U-Boats have become wrecking balls.

It's June 1941 and Barbarossa is probably about to kick off, so this will be the first true test of the AI I think.

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