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Couldnt deploy egypt reeinforcements (game crash)

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i am playing HvH and my opponent has the problem that the game crashes every time he wants to deploy his egypt reeinforcement in egypt (or produced egypt Corps, i am not sure on that one). The game works fine if he doenst deploy it.

The situation is, that England has fallen to the axis forces completely one turn before.

Is this a known bug or is there another reason for it?



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I would suggest that ALL of these "bug" reports go in the appropriate forum, set aside so that Hubert can address these without having to read through countless posts... he MIGHT just miss something, though,

We the testers usually repeat/report these bugs in the Beta thread designed for that purpose.

But, not ALWAYS, since we are not perfectly vigilant... so best to write these up over in "tech area."

Iron Ranger has suggested a "sticky" for bug reports, which is not a bad idea. :cool:

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