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Strategic Bombing Changes

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Hello , I have been having an enjoyable time playing

sc but there is one thing i would

like to see in sc2 . When a strategic bomber

bombs a site could there be an option to

either attack the Unit in the site or to strategic bomb the site ...

In sc it is too

easy for a player to run an infantry unit into

a city and thus protect the site from being

Bombed ! :( I have sent waves of 6 bombers and

8 Air units against London and not even score

a kill against one solitary Infantry unit .. This

to me is a very frustrating feature in this game

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I would make the Strategic Bombing more abstract by removing their symbols from the game entirely and have am 'investment' in strategic bombing. The more MPP a player invests the greater the 'damage' (loss of MPP) an enemy suffers. The effects are maximized by technology and investment amount. As strategic bombing effects are cumulative, an investment early in the war would not 'pay back' until late in the war.

This may be simplified and probably more linear in terms of cause and effect - but it would make for the possibility of more accurate representation of Strategic bombing.

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Well, I'd much rather move my units around on the

map. Abstracting such things introduces as many

problems as it solves, as your abstraction often

fails to garner the "flavor" of the theatre in

question. For example, the Allies, after leaving

the Balkans alone for a number of turns, could

surprise the Germans by hitting Ploesti hard, and

if there's no Luftwaffe units down there (and oil

has value for supply as well as MPPs...). With a

"box", you lose all those little decisions about

where to bomb and where to defend. Plus it's

klunky and about as much fun as watching mold

grow on a corpse...

A "strategic bomber box" simply doesn't give you

that kind of operational flexibility-it's strictly

a matter of the numbers and the random number

generator. Same goes for the other strategic

theatre, the Atlantic Ocean.

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Not a bad idea except there were instances, principally St Lo, where the Allies used four engine heavy bombers to devastating effect against ground troops.

In Italy they were used against the Monestary at Casino, turning what was believed to have been a fortress into rubble. This turned out to not have been very effective as the German airbourne troops fought tanaciously in the ruins, withdrawing down the still existing stairways into basements when the place was subsequently bombed or bombarded. But it still shows the potential for such applications of strategic bombers against ground units.

I think there would need to be a way of representing this aspect as well; many Allied generals wanted the aircraft to only run missions either directly supporting the troops, or in destroying transportation facilities behind the front lines.

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Strategic bombing was a more slow grinding proccess as opossed to any quick fix method of destablising the enemy.SC1 modelled it terribly,more often than not the attacker could not sustain the loses,SeaMonkeys comments in his earlier post in this thread sound encouraging

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