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About LordDread

  • Birthday 10/11/1966


  • Location
    SE USA
  • Interests
    Music Strategy games
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  1. Condor : I have read some of the people out there that are great poets in there own mind .. I dont have much time for stuff like really . If someone likes to be cute with some silly poem great more power to them . I am more interested in topics LIke retributar posted that make Valid points that are backed up by facts and not some silly little word play . If you are interested in poems great I am happy for you . I was simply looking for an answer to a question of game mechanics . I have better things to do than to come to a company website looking for the next Dr Seuss .... but if that is what you enjoy great knock yourself out .
  2. Interesting topic thread retributar .. I agree with you about the fact that germany could have done better with a bigger air force defending its critical resources . ITs also great to hear that a singe corps wont defend against a bombing raid anymore . It seems that the designers and testers have given great thought to strategic Bombing and this area will be much improved . I am looking forward to seeing this interesting and challanging game . It should keep all my friends and myself busy for awhile
  3. Hello to all , I see that there is a possible release coming with this game soon , so i decided to post again Does anybody out there know what the Strategic Aspect of this game Ie Bombers , Rockets and eventually even Nukes is going to be like ? What is the process ? Is it the same as before fly a unit over a city and the city takes economic damage or is it more interesting in this game ? The original allowed a small unit to defend an entire city from bombing until the unit was destroyed and to us that seemed unrealistic . [ December 05, 2005, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: LordDread ]
  4. Hello , I have been having an enjoyable time playing sc but there is one thing i would like to see in sc2 . When a strategic bomber bombs a site could there be an option to either attack the Unit in the site or to strategic bomb the site ... In sc it is too easy for a player to run an infantry unit into a city and thus protect the site from being Bombed ! I have sent waves of 6 bombers and 8 Air units against London and not even score a kill against one solitary Infantry unit .. This to me is a very frustrating feature in this game
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