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Started a new game myself as Allies. A boring side to play for me. Still version 1.5a...

Rambo took his objectives early on in this game and took the aggressive approach in Spain and Vichy. Although he made some major errors with Algeria as I held out there, and in Egypt way way too long. Similarly I made my own errors misplacing UK Units though I maulled the German and Italian Navy early in the game, making it a one sided game in that regard.

There was never any great Naval battles with Rambo here, and Barbarossa started off a little late and was not spectacular. Nothing really achieved!

Though through '42 and '43 the German Army tore into the Russian heartland, few defenses could be erected in time to stop him and tech came a little late in IW and Mobility to outflank him when neccessary. Lots of Lost Units, Moscow smashed and Leningrad isolated. Finally Stalingrad fell and with that the Russians retreated behind the Volga.. This is the Green Light for Rambo to move in on me, so I waited with 7 or so tanks, as that's where I hit tech and a few armies and literally delivered a 6th army at Stalingrad historical type situations, cutting off the Axis and killing them in Mass. First successful Major Battle for the Russians of the War after 2 years very neccessary for her survival without a connection to the Caucasus.

Meanwhile with great investment in Buildingup the USA I bring in the Giant in Historical Form, possibly what allowed my Volga victory, was Allied Airfleets and Armies flooding Norway-Sweden-Finland-Denmark, a Scando_liberation movement.. around 10 Airfleets with massive tech and massive American Money just crush anything inside of Germany, LR makes any target viable. France Ignored... Anything that Rambo does not have pinned down in a fort, pretty much is dead and what is left of his navy is smooshed. Rambo has built upwards of 40-50 forts in responce we merely go around these, no stress to our Units!

It's a match of attrittion now, though Axis have taken many Minors, only Turkey Remains neutral. The Allies have tech and a lot of Numbers comming on the scene. The German Army will nolonger be numerically superior and their air units are now inferior in tech and soon experience... This game will end in '45 with the Loss of the entire German Army

MPPs are about even, Allies have taken a route of Sapping German MPPS via Norway-Sweden-Finland-bombing Iraqi Oil with Russian Bombers... and raiding in North Africa. Also bombing a lot with Western Allies. I believe this combination economically as forced the Axis to overly invest in AA, Engineers, etc... They have no offensive power left aside from some experienced air. game is soon over, German HQ was nearly lost in Russia, German must hold a MASSIVE front, she will surely collapse under the foot of FDR, who approached Henry Ford Company as his Advisor for Military production. USA has IT 5 Produciton 5, equivelant to Germany ALONE!

UK and Russia merely pin the grey beat while the Green One comes to smash 'em up! This is all about Money and there is enough land to concede to destroy the enemy

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Liam --- I like your confidence for somebody with a divided Russia. My assualt is on the Urals next! I'm well aware of the USAAF & RAF, but we've got plenty of Youth & Old Men left to fill my forts.


my arrogance is only exceeded by my ability, you have defeated my Allies Once, never again!

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Alright Folks, the long awaited End! smile.gif

As predicted the Superior Allied AirFleets, pummelled Germany's Interior from Sweden and Finland, British and American Paratroopers-Amphibious assualt units filled Leningrad all the way to Konisberg, paving the way for The Atom Bomb, which was twice dropped on Warsaw. The Bombs were set to go off in the massive railyard contructed there however killed a few thousand civilians, no worse for were Nuked Poles understood the sacrifice For Victory smile.gif Bombers Level 4...

In Leningrad, which never fell to Russian Forces, 6 or 7 USAAF Crack Air Units set their sights on Moscow along with resistent fighters from Russia and other nations preparing to recapture the Capitol "ALONE" without the Bulk of the Red Forces who were in a Titanic Struggle in the Second Battle of the Volga

The Greatest Battle ever fought in History, though the Germans did not use Armor Tactics nor Superior Jet Fighters, something Highly Advanced Russian Scientists and Military Thinkers purposed to Stalin years before, employed to Utter Effectiveness over the plains of Russia.

Millions of German Soldiers and tens of thousands of their Awesome Fighters were sent fourth, however most were destroyed, though on both sides losses were heavy, the Germans would not learn their lesson, they kept pouring in a tiny gap and Mother Russia's Armor paved the way, by waxing off Everything Sent at them. Of course in the West 15 or so AirUnits with double that in Land Units available for '45 were being setup for a MAJOR D-Day it was unneccessary, the Error Surrendered after Atomic Weapons were tested North of Berlin, despite having had a Very Decent lead in this Great War


[ February 26, 2007, 06:30 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Lost to Liam. Ouch. I had Axis. Had Stalingrad, Lennigrad, Moscow...and everything else except Scando & Turkey. Things were rolling...until I went to the Urals. Got bogged in the winter of '43/'44. Kept sending troops to their death. Exchanging with the Russians instead of planning better. Had too many troops stationed around Berlin, Rhineland, and other places...tied up for the Allies.

Then, when the weather finally broke, the Russians got the first crack at real weather. Russians had gotten Jets+4, and wore out my Jets+3.

I got groggy in the game. Several times Liam asked, "You there?"...I was sleeping on the laptop.

Game was different, Liam had the "no limit" builds on.

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SC-2 is a different game, that's for sure. You just don't know what is going to give. I had tons of ground units, but too scattererd. My main force in Russia had crap supply, fighting an extended battle. A matter of two turns, where I snoozed on the keyboard, the weather broke for him, and Russians took Jet advantage was all it took.

I had Jets advantage earlier, was blasting Russian units in the open, but that ended very quick.

After being stopped cold by the Reds, I still had their land, just the offensive was stopped.

Americans put on a show with long range super bombers.

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<reads and learns>

I thought that once the Allied got as far as Stalingrad, Russian would be knocked out. How do you defend the mines south after Stalingrad falls ? And the loss in MPP when those mines are cut off from the captal must hurt badly, ouch.

Supply is of course a big, big problem for the Allied in Russia. And they got to garrison ALOT of places. But still, I thought it would be over for Russia.

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Congratulations Liam - seems to have been one of the epic and glorious battles smile.gif

And a nice demonstration that a war/game is never over when Russia has to give up Stalingrad and everything west of it - usually at that point the real war just starts and any good axis player should be able to conquer Russia that far before the war really gets hot and the tide can turn... smile.gif .

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Russia is never knocked out until the last of the 3 capitals falls - Urals are a very tough nut to crack with its mountains and even if Russia is reduced to Urals only, Allies are still outproducing Axis if they researched some IT (which they should have till then...) and Western Allies were not lazy.

The deeper Axis moves into Russia, the more difficult it gets for them - that´s one of the reasons why it is not too bad if Russia gives up a large part of its territories before it starts striking back against the now scattered axis forces. In deed this is often the better choice than to start an overhasty counterattack and run into the open knife of a strong, concentrated and fully supplied Axis force... ;)

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Southern Russia was cutoff. I never had the time or resources to head South. Instead, I used engineers to cage him in, the Russia forces in the Southern pocket were useless.

The battle for the Urals was an exchange, I was trying to wear him down, but it failed. Meanwhile, it bought him valuable time as American scientists introduced super weapons of mass destructions. He could level any city he wanted. I had AA+2, but that didn't seem to matter.

The real failure on my part was to attack Russian units at 1 to 1 odds. I had so many Nazis guarding the Fatherland against D-Day.

I thought I had this game, as Germany was getting 500 MMPs/turn for long time.

This sucked. Good game to Liam, he didn't surrender. Those damn Russian Jets+4 was the final straw. Along with a couple lazy moves on the ground before the weather broke. I probably didn't have to surrender either, but the USAAF & RAF was unstoppable. He could take Berlin with paratroops from Scando. Picture 10+ Bunta ground units in forts as 10+ Allied planes pick any target.

Liam gambled with tech, and got the win via airpower. I should have fell back in Russia, to Moscow, and just regrouped, bad play on my part.

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