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Airpower... still a problem

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Perhaps air units can be implemented so that they damage strength AND readiness but are constrained by a "floor" strength value below which they cannot take a ground unit - i.e. air can reduce the ground unit to strength of 3 but after that only detract from the ground unit's readiness.

This would reflect the principle of diminishing returns as well as the fact that at no time in history can one find examples of ground units being completely obliterated by airpower alone.

(It always seemed gamey to me when I could queue up all those level 5 jets and blast gaping holes in the lines of the approaching Marxist rabble.)

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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:


I don't believe any of us have access to the software code for High Command. And I don't believe it will run on most current day machines. So its kinda hard to even see what the effects are these days.


it is almost impossible to get to run in XP... try with a win 95 or 98 boot disk

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Yes, indeed, this was the problem that ultimately drove me away from SCET.

Glad to see an SC II is being made, but I dread that it will fall to the same pit as its predecessor - that of ridiculous air power.

I fully support the idea of air units only being able to affect a ground unit´s readiness only - this is a proven and safe solution. However, this should mainly apply to the regular corps and armies (because we´re talking about tens to hundreds of thousands of men - tactical air can only really hinder their mobility and supply) - fully armoured groups are, of course, hundreds of times more vulnerable to air casualties.

I also think that the idea about HQ-attached CAS-units is ace.

I think one of the worst problems with the ridiculous ground attack effectiveness was that the offending air units even gained easy experience from those ground attack missions - and after a while of this, even if the other side got its own air force together, it would be slaughtered in air-to-air combat from the same airmen that had been doing nothing but ground attack missions for so long....in other words, air fleets were super-units that could do it all....attack ground, air, escort or intercept...all at the same effectiveness (were all those planes in those air fleets fighter-bombers?)

So....I hope that serious thought is put into this matter, or at least let it be heavily modifiable...

Of course, I am still in ignorance about the actual current plans about SC2´s air power...would anyone care to enlighten me?

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Of course, I am still in ignorance about the actual current plans about SC2´s air power...would anyone care to enlighten me?
Air power is being reduced. The move to tiles was partially done to allow a minimum of three ground attacks on a unit, thus enabling Hubert to reduce air attack on ground units.

Air intercepts can be turned off.

Experience is being modified to make it more difficult to keep a jet at exp. 3 or 4.

The cost of aircraft can be modified(as can all units), limitations on their numbers is available, and you can have a ever increasing cost(soft cap) if you don't want a hard cap on the number of units.

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I really didn´t get this part....

The move to tiles was partially done to allow a minimum of three ground attacks on a unit, thus enabling Hubert to reduce air attack on ground units.

Anyhow, it´s good that their numbers can be limited, but what about their capabilities? Can I modify the fleets´ ground attack values so that they´d just cause readiness loss most of the time?

Or would I have to (can I even?) simply reduce their soft attack values to 0 or 1....

(My reasoning : I always had the best games in SCET when we played with my house rules, that stated that air fleets simply could not attack ground units. It was assumed that "air fleet" units included fighters only, and that the "strategic bombers"-unit included all the bombers, including tac air. It really revolutionized the gameplay....)

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Or would I have to (can I even?) simply reduce their soft attack values to 0 or 1....
Yes you can edit jets soft attack values. You can also edit corps and armies air defense values as well if you wish them to cause more damage to a jet when it attacks....All the values can be edited.
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