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future additions...

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I'm playing a great pbem game right now and a thought came to me. Others may have had the same. A world view with the Japanese as protagonists and changing boundaries after WW2 and the resultant Cold War period with all the period technology being possible to research. Think about the Russians invading 1950's Europe in game or Russian subs arriving into the Atlantic and US ships countering/fighting, etc. I think a cold war variant/extention might be interesting. I think an add on pac with these ideas down the line would sell. Just a thought...

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Yes!,...i/we agree with you K98! ...to have Campaigns/Scenarios including the situation/time-frame you just mentioned as well as far back as the Ancient Empires and perhaps some Fantasy Epics as well!.

We have an Exceptionally Wonderful tool here to accomplish all of that, just need some talented/gifted people to start creating some of it!.

I would especially like it if we had someone who could make various types of 'regular' as well as '3-D icons' for these future games!.

I myself, am now a 3-D icon fan,...and so would like to have the option of having this type of icon represented in my gaming as it is in SC2!.

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Just thought of it right now!!!...id like to have a representation of the 'IRAQ-CAMPAIGN', & the NEW...'MOSLEM-ISLAMIST-EXPANSIONIST-RECONQUEST' of the Middle-East,...including regular updates to update the game to our present day situation.

Integrated into this Menagerie...might be such variable's like,...'IRAN' is pretending to 'Just' construct basic Nuclear Power plant's, however, in reality there are at least 2-different-types of Nuclear Power plant's & guess which type 'IRAN' want's to build???.

1st type...Nuclear plant with regular waste,& the 2nd-Type,...is specifically designed to create a radioactive by-product that can be 'Enriched'...to become 'Weapon's-Grade-Uranium' for Nuclear Weapon's!.

'IRAN'S' "T.V. New's stated objective" is to Efface 'ISRAEL' from the Map!. Also 'IRAN' is fueling the Insurgency in 'IRAQ'...using the Shiite's to accomplish this!.


Late Addition:

'IRAN' also has huge oil contract's with 'CHINA' & 'RUSSIA',...so now they feel liberated to make bold threat's against the U.S.A. ... with the 'Bring Em On!!!' Attitude!.

'IRAN' now feel's empowered enough by CHINA/RUSSIA SuperPower backing/might/support, that they are now free to do as they damned well please!...including someday destroying 'ISRAEL'!.

So!!!...now i have no-idea if such a request is even possible!.

[ April 24, 2006, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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To a degree, i agree with you 'Blashy' ...because, unfortunately, Republican Party Backers own the Major News Stations...so it's possible, that some of this information is distorted for Bush's own ultimate end's [Attack/Invade IRAN]?...who know's?.

However, should anyone come across information to 'prove' or 'disprove' any of the statement's i have made/passed on from Major New's Source's, i would greatly appreciate it, which-ever way it go's!.


By the way, are there any Web-Sites that have 3-D icon's available for use in games, like SC2?.

[ April 26, 2006, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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