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Possible solution for U.S. issue

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Repost from other thread but I think we need to start fresh here and really work on the problem. here is my idea:

I think we need to come up with something to both better represent the U.S. historicly, and not unbalance the game. I think we are all overlooking something, just because we add to one side, doesnt mean it has to unbalance the game! why? WE CAN ADD TO THE OTHER SIDE TOO!

Here is what I propose, allow each axis minor to build an extra corps then currently avalable, allow Germany to build an additional army. slightly lower the cost of subs AND give the Germans better startin sub tech. why you ask? simple, the U.S. still has to transport its troops, no matter how many, across the atlantic. Let us encourage the use of subs to slow/reduce the amount of troops getting across, as is historical. Right now you barley even think about it as a threat, in real life many people were scared out of their minds that the ship would be sunk by U-boats!

I believe slightly increasing what the axis can build will allow you to increase the U.S. forces per historical, while taking the edge off of unbalancing issues.

How is that for a comprimise

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Subs are being discussed and here is hoping they will improve.

Poor little subs are not getting their due, only 50 subs on rotation managed to almost starve UK out of the war, had señor dumbass listened to his sub commander he might have succeeded in putting UK out of action for a VERY long time, at least until USA came in and managed to clear the waters.

Believe me, you've got the BIGGEST supporter of increasing subs effectiveness at raiding and the effects of raiding with me.

Being an ex submariner I know how effective subs can be (I was a sonar operator, even more hindsight into it). I was on three 1960s sub and even top of the line 1990s US sub hunting technology could not hunt us down and we sank our target plus 2 others for gloating (sub COs have an a big ego). This was repeated time and again. The basic thinking in subs is "if you do not want to be found, you won't".

So what you suggest is not new and in time we'll see but it is easy to type in all those ideas, implementing them and TIME are for ONE man another factor entirely.

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I bet I'm a bigger supporter than you - if you were a Submariner then I'm wiling to bet that my 105kg's outweigh your kg's by a bit! ;)

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Why don't we allow subs to be built at half strength for half the cost, thus doubling the number of actual units you can deploy?

Prehaps Germany could also just be given more Subs already in production at the start of the game.

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As it is now, the subs really can't do much. Send a few MMP's to the bottom. Then get sunk. Or play cat and mouse. Sooner or later they get caught and sunk. Unless Germany pours a lot of MMP's into subs and sub tech they will not get much out of them.

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I have posted about subs many times and most of you know how I feel, but what the heck I will say it again.

I think it was a HUGE mistake to lower the 'sub dives' ability. I think it should of been upped a LOT, I would also lower the damage subs do to surface fleets except transports. I would make it so subs take damage when raiding convoy lines. I would lower the cost of subs by as much as %50 and I would give the Germans starting sub tech of 1 with one chit in subs tech at start of game. This would make U-Boat opps a lot more historical IMO.

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