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Invading Great-Britain

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for my 1st post permit me to whine a little :D

I bought SC2 last week and tried to invade GB with my panzers and I just realized that this country is too small for every people. All the space is full and its impossible to move units...having the possibility to superpose units could the solution but it seems its not in the SC2 design (Of course its even worse in _1939-46 WW2 Global Conflict because the scale is bigger).

Is it possible to win the invasion ?

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Yes! It is a tough fight for the Germans though if the UK is prepared for it. Concentrate your airpower and land troops on a single unit. The UK won't be replacing them and that will free up more room for your forces.

Now, if you can't move because the UK has more units there than you do, then you're in trouble. smile.gif

In the end it's a big gamble where some recon and surprise can tilt the odds in your favor.

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i just got invaded by my email opponent (successfully for him) mostly because air superiority.......it was the sc waw game but similiar strategy

he also had just enough uboats/ships to block my ships from hitting his transports

paras help alot cause you can drop them in to capture a port

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Originally posted by voncasey:

......it was the sc waw game but similiar strategy

Its in waw also and I think I can win against UK (Having 3 fighters,2 tactical bombers and 1 strategical bombers helping) but that seems too unrealistic to have all the map filled with units that cant move if one dont die.

On other side URSS has declared war and even with hungarian,romanian etc help I will not resist a long time :D

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If you look at the end of my message you will read "I will not resist a long time "...

I have no hope of resisting Russian units with my half dozen units at the east side of map and all my fighting units drinking tea in London suburbs.

I was wondering if artillery could be a "talent" associated with a unit, so simulating an INF corp with 1 2 3... ART brigades integrated.

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