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Norway and Sweden.

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After the Allied took Norway on turn 4, what usually happens next ?

Do Allies usually take Norway back ?

If not, do the Allies take Sweden somewhere down the line ? And if so, do the Germans defend Sweden ? Take Sweden back ?

And if Sweden stays Allied, do the Axis take back the port in the north to get the ore shipments back ?

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Norway is not worth much MPPs per turn on average with winter. It also needs 3-4 troops for good garrison (depending if you want to also protect the mine or not). With all the operating costs needed to take it back including HQ support, it is not worth fighting for by the Axis if you think of the cost/benefit issue.

Usually, the Allies won't let Axis use this English corps in Oslo for training purposes because the Axis airplanes would make "too good to be true" target practice by the Royal Navy.

Taking Sweden by the Allies depends of each player's strategy. I mostly prefer investing on some diplomacy and, with only one hit, shut this MPP source for Germany!

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