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Mac OS: CMAK freezes with gray screen

SSgt D

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System: Mac 8600 OS 9.1, 3dfx Voodoo 5 64 MB video board

Have been running CMBO with no issues whatsoever; just got CMAK and CMBB. Finally got CMBB running by adjusting anti-aliasing, but CMAK refuses to cooperate. Freezes entire system requiring reboot.

Why should CMAK be so intransigent? Are there any special issues with it? I've checked all the FAQs, etc.

Thanks for any help.

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I have no idea why CMBB will run but CMAK won't on your system. At what point does the system freeze, before entering a scenario/op, at the initial splash screens, during a game ?

When you adjust the 'antialiasing' for your Voodoo card does this entail disabling one of the processors (GPUs) ? If not, then that would be the next thing to attempt (though it will result in lower performance).

I'm not specifically aware of CMAK looking for something that CMBB doesn't need. Your OS 9.1 copy, is that an American English version or a Japanese version ?

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I am running two OSs from two different partitions, 9.0.4 on one and 9.1 on the other. Both are the Japanese version of the OS.

I was wrong about CMBB running -- when I actually try to play, after the command briefing is cleared by clicking "Continue" and the game screen should appear, the whole system crashes to a gray screen, under OS 9.0.4, and under 9.1, with a type 1 error.

With CMAK, under 9.0.4, I don't even get the game splash screen; the screen goes blank for a short time, then comes back gray and just stays there, with the entire system crashed. Under 9.1, double-clicking the game icon produces an immediate crash to a black screen.

The above conditions apply with antialiasing off, disabling one GPU, at 800x600 resolution at the minimum refresh rate of 56 Hz and only thousands of colors, vice millions, i.e., graphics should be at their very most compatible (and thus minimum performance).

Yet CMBO works fine under both OSs, with the one exception that if I use command+B to review the briefing or ESC to escape to the Finder, when I return to the game it is no longer in color, but in an eerie grayscale in which little is recognizable and the cursor acts very strangely.

I guess Combat Mission just does not like the 3dfx board.

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I'd guess that CMB0 is possibly running in software rendering mode (640x480), which the newer CM's (CMBB & CMAK) are incapable of. The latest drivers for the Mac version of the Voodoo 5500 that I can find are 1.1.3b, which may be what you're already running (you can download them from here, near the bottom). However even the newest driver (which is over 3 years old now) may not work or possibly work worse than an older driver.

If you haven't tried it already, I'd suggest using at least 60Hz vertical refresh. On the PC under DirectX 60Hz is the minimum support refresh rate and I suspect this may be true of the Mac version too.

Do either of your CMBB or CMAK installs have a Prefs file that has been generated ? I'd assume not, but if they do, then I'd suggest deleting them. Set your resolution to 800x600 or higher and set your vertical refresh to 60Hz or higher and then attempt to lauch either CMBB or CMAK again.

Does your OS 9.1 partition have Classic RAVE installed ? Do you have it disabled or is it loading ? I'd highly suggest disabling it since it can be problematic with CM.

Have you tried to minimize the number of extensions/control panels that load up ? Admittedly that is a generic piece of advice and I don't have any particular extensions to recommend unloading (other than video hardware that doesn't exist on your Mac).

Is your PowerMac 8600 upgraded with a particular CPU accelerator ? Have you checked for any newer versions of the extension for this piece of hardware if this is the case ?

Is your Mac setup for mulimonitor display or is the internal adapter disabled (by not having a monitor hooked up to it) ?

What are you options in the control panel for the Voodoo 5 and what have you tried so far ?

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AAAAHHH a Voodoo,I miss that co,still have my Voodoo-5500-AGP-64mb-I wanted that Voodoo-6000-128mb,never seen the light of day in the comsumer world here's another link that might help you,there about to me 5-10 3DFX sites I know of


tread carefully with these drivers there 3rd party

:D ........

A forum link http://www.3dfxzone.it/enboard/


[ February 15, 2004, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: TufenHuden ]

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