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In games i play theres alot of air, thats fine but then sometimes theres so much air its crazy. So what about a button that limits air army corps ect so that the germans will have to invest mmp into subs instead of just air.

Will subs really become that iportant in sc2?

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It has been stated that SC2 has production limits, so once you buy X amount, that`s it, no more. It simulates a countries production capabilities.

So far in SC2 the most AFs I`ve had as Axis are 4 German AFs and 1 Italian AF, you start the game with 3 and 1, so I bought one extra because I used MPPs somewhere else.

In short, this is not an issue in SC2.

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Not quite an IGNORE button, but there is a "soft build limit" option at setup which allows you to exceed the campaign's force pool limits. But each additional unit above the limit costs extra. This build penalty can be adjusted in the Editor, so setting it to 0% means essentially no limits. Or you can set the force pool limits higher, or whatever.

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