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How do I keep Russia nuetral?

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good point to raise, as it screwed my opponent playing Germany in our pbem game.

The problem stems from the fact that the script that increase the % of USSR is silent, meaning you don't get any clues of why it trigger.

If you check the script file, you see you have to have one unit in Warsaw, one in Koenigsberg, one in tile 94/17 and one in tile 96/17 (you can be adjacent to these tiles too).

Also, you should not have more than 6 units in Poland what's more.

Basically, its bad. An average player can't possibly know what is the proper Soviet garrisoning to be done, so is screwed. The script should be revised to something more straightforward, with a warning to Germany what's more.

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I have a problem with russia. I have a Corps in each of the cities and i have a corps in each hex position you mentioned but russia is still increasing by 3-6% per turn in 41. Ihavent declared war on sweden or yugoslawia or any other country exacpt the "normal ones". Is there any other trigger that makes russia go up.

(I didnt conquer Cairo)


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