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SC2 Europe Theater on Corps/Division Level?

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No, I am planning on a divisional east front game but Im not sure it will even be playable. I mean moving 200+ units and weekly turns will probably be rather dull, then imagine the whole of europe and the problems with that. On the other hand the germans got like 60+ units in the zitadelle scenario so that maybe is possible.

So Im possible will abandon this and go for reconstructing something similar to Gary Grigsby's war in Russia. A corps-sized game.

[ April 16, 2006, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Well i dont think that the maximum map size is not enough to show the eastern front with 200 units PLUS the rest of europe ;)

So i guess that the maximum map size would be really good for a corps/division size level.

Anyways i am interested in how you are making for example the east front as a map, i mean, where did you get the information about the terrain and right scale of the map. Do you look in the atlas? ;)



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