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Carrier should be re-done!!

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If you get level 5 LR and L5 planes and L5 ASW.

I think you have a supercarrier.

Bottom line is technology of the time just was not there to have carriers that were "super" vs. ground units, no missles, no high altitude fighters to avoid the gazillion guns shooting at you, no smart bombs, no radar (on the fighters).

CVs in WW2 were master of the Seas, after WW2 they eventually became masters of war. But no tech advance in WW2 could have done that.

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My other point is that a carrier should take damage differently than other naval units because it is essentially 2 units (air and navy). In the game it is far to easy for a couple of cruisers to go in and kill the carrier. The cruisers would be detected by the carriers air screen and either the carrier would run or attack before the cruisers got there. Also if a carrier is attacking using its fighters, just the fighters will take damage, not the carriers and escorts.

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Some things you could do, CPT Pete:

1) Lower the cost of the Carrier, for UK only if that is how you'd like it.

2) Raise the Air Defense of said Carrier.

3) Lower the amount of time to build, so you can have them sooner.

4) Increase the spotting range so you'd have plenty of time to "fight or flight." ;)

Other things you could do to have PRECISELY what you are interested in.

Nothing wrong with that, I've done it too. :cool:

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Originally posted by CPT Pete:

Yes, they may become super carriers relative to what each side had historically. However, they aren't cheap, require a substantial investment in research, and take the longest to build. If historically the UK or Germany or Russia had made carriers a priority and thrown research, time and money at it, is it conceivable that they would have been able to develop something comparible to what the US had? I think so. So in the game, if I make it a priority, I should get my super carrier.

The point is really "who cares" and I mean that from a military point of view not as a shot. Take the best Carrier for its time period during WWII and put it up against a land based air fleet (much larger number of planes) and it is toast.
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It helps because if you spot the subs, they do not know they have been spotted, then you can place ships all around, wait the next turn, attack it with the carrier, if he moves away and you have ships all around, you will get a surprise attack on the sub which they do not dive, so a free SURE attack.

Then you can sipmly keep those ships a tile away and keep him ensnared and kill it off with more surprise attacks.

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