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Originally posted by Blashy:

This is a historical game, so the Industrial might of USA has to be in the game.

Right now it is not and the consequences for being extremely aggressive all over the map are also not in play.

USA will join eventually and will outproduce Germany (it already was beforehand in terms of general industry). Germany is the one that should be pressed for time from the get go, now it is the other way around.

USA took North Africa in Nov 1942 and Sicily was in summer of 43, there is no possibility of this occuring at this time and so it is not historically accurate. USA, UK and Canadian units were used for each of these operations.

But, it is being worked on and the game will get there eventually.

I seem to do something wrong. I didn´t feel especially lucky but in multiplayer game I played yesterday US launched again operation torch in October 1942 with success. Already I am assembling troops in England to launch an attack on Brest after the winter. I don´t have problems with the Us being to weak.

I have more problems with the rusian front. In Winter 1942 the war for Rusia is usually nearly over. I have the problem that borderline garrisons are senseless. German killer tanks and MT2 infantry are in 3-4 turns in Moscow after Barbarossa starts if a skilled axis player wants to.

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