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I know that these events actions are likely not in SC2, but here is a list of interesting options for events:

1. Linked Events

Option for events to have a prerequisite event.

Example: If Event 23 occurs then Event 24 or 25 could occur. If Event 23 has not occurred then event 24 and 25 can't occur.

2. Choice Events

A player gets an event with a choice. He can choose option 1 or option 2 or option 3. Each option triggers a different event or sets a linked event flag.

3. Partisan Activation/Deactivation

4. Change Alliance Event

5. Siberian Transfer Activation/Deactivation

6. Surrender Event - Active Nation Surrenders

7. Neutrality Event - Active Nation returns to neutrality

Example 01: Conquest of France

Choice 1: Normal - Vichy Created

Choice 2: Plunder France - Partisans Activated, Gain More MPPs.

Choice 3: France Joins Axis - France switches from Allied to Axis

Example 02: Germany Surrenders to Russia

Event: 20% that Russia switches from Allied to Axis and now the battle is between the Western Allies and Russia.

Example 03: US War Strategy with Pearl Harbor Event

Choice 1: Europe First - Normal Game

Choice 2: Pacific First - Siberian Transfer Activated Early, US War Readiness Reduced

Example 04: German Pearl Harbor Decision

Choice 1: DOW USA - USA enters War

Choice 2: Do not DOW USA - Siberian Transfer Activated early as Japanese forces are diverted to fight the Americans.

Example 05: Germany takes Gibraltar

If Germany Takes Gibraltar and Spain is Neutral:

Choice 1: Keep Gibraltar

Choice 2: Give Gibraltar to Spain - Spanish relations with Axis improve

Example 06: Germany conquers Vichy France and Spain is Neutral

Choice 1: Keep Algeria

Choice 2: Give Algeria to Spain - Spanish relations with Axis improve

[ January 29, 2006, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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If this is a wish list...

A 0,01% chance that Hitler get assasinated (or attemt)

=> Everything changes, some HQ's get shot, some neutrals see a chance to attack, (or ally). USA may not be so tempted to get in the war if the new leader of axis is prepeared to negotiate...

I would keep playing untill this happens smile.gif

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