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AS the proud new owner/player of SC2 Im wondering if its even possible to beat the Russians as an Axis player?

If so, how?

Q 2: What triggers the AI to have Italy join the battle? I just got trounced in Russia (w/ a small force fending of the French in Germany) just outside Lenningrad, after smashing Moscow and all cities in between, Italy never joined in, leaving the Allies devoting all their recorces to the Germans.

Thanks for your input.

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Fighting off the French?

Start over i'd say smile.gif They should have been long dead before attacking the sovjets.

Try to get Poland first, then Denmark, Benelux and then those annoying Frenchies. Then your italians will join up. After that you can go visit Norway, Yugoslavia africa greece etc.

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Thanks n0kn0k. I tried that first, but the Ruskies Declared War on me and ran over the Top of me. I figgerd that with them getting more that twice the MMP per turn than Germany that perhaps Attacking them early before they built themselves up might work. Wrong!

The embarasing part is that Im only playing the AI.

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Snark just ignore the commies.I tried this & spent all my effort on england.I took england & then went after russia.Its a real long battle but i did win in the end.I also built a uboat force to help counter the usa.Just make sure that if you try this move that you get england fast.Also i made sure i spent enough on uboat tech.to have killer subs.

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Snark, the default campaign is not based on being realistic in terms of MPPs for the Allies.

So you can take out Russia. If you are so much under produced it is simply because you need to have more minors on your side or conquered.

Read the SC2 guide that is provided by Terif. No one studies EVERY minute detail of the game the way he does and he makes a very usefull guide.

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AFAIK, the key point here is that the USSR declared war on him. Therefore, as Iron Ranger says, he has not garrisoned the border with Russia (or hasn't in the places that negate the triggers). The key point (per Terif):

To keep russian readiness low, Axis have to place at least 1 unit in both Königsberg and Warsaw, or russian readiness increases by 4-6% each turn. Before January 1941 there has to be a third unit in the hex east of Warsaw or russian readiness increases by 6-10% each turn !

Once he does that, he can experiment (especially against the AI) with all manner of strategies without losing to an early Russian attack.

*Q2*. It's to do with proximity to Brussels (p. 133 of the manual), proximity to Paris if France has not surrendered (p.133) or time if they have (p.135). Obviously scripts have changed since the manual was printed, but I think that these particular ones are still the same.

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